RPS Group of Schools, Gurugram Campuses Principal, Teachers, Librarian job vacancy

RPS Group of Schools, Mahendergarh, Rewari, Dharuhera, Narnaul, Hansi, Kosli, Gurugram, Behror, Hisar affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi has advertised for various teaching and non-teaching job vacancies, apply on or before 20.06.2021

Last Date to Apply: 20-Jun-2021

Employer: RPS Group of Schools

Address: RPS Group of Schools, Mahendergarh, Rewari-I, Rewari-II, Dharuhera, Narnaul, Hansi, Kosli, Gurugram Sector 50, Gurugram Sector 89, Behror, Hisar

Email: rpsgurugram50@gmail.com, rpsgurugram89@gmail.com


Phone: 8409989898, 8222999182

Skills: Refer description box for more detailed information

Experience: Refer description box for more detailed information

Education: Refer description box for more detailed information

Job Location: Mahendergarh, Rewari, Dharuhera, Narnaul, Hansi, Kosli, Gurugram, , Behrol, Hisar   (View Jobs in Mahendergarh,   Jobs in Rewari,   Jobs in Dharuhera,   Jobs in Narnaul,   Jobs in Hansi,   Jobs in Kosli,   Jobs in Gurugram,   Jobs in ,   Jobs in Behrol,   Jobs in Hisar)

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RPS Group of Schools, Gurugram Campuses Principal, Teachers, Librarian job vacancy

RPS Group of Schools, Mahendergarh, Rewari, Dharuhera, Narnaul, Hansi, Kosli, Gurugram, Behror, Hisar affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi invites applications from qualified, experienced, trained candidates for various job vacancies.

Candidate profile
Candidates required to go through the below-mentioned details before applying for the posts.
Job vacancies at Gurugram Sector 50 Campus:

  • Principal
  • Post Graduate Teachers for Class XI & XII in:
    1. Mathematics
    2. Computer Science
    3. English

    Job vacancies at Gurugram Sector 89 Campus:
    • Trained Graduate Teachers in:
      1. Science for Class VI to VIII
      2. Social Studies for Class IX & X
      3. Reasoning for Class IX & X
    • Librarian
    Qualification and experience are as per CBSE and Government of Haryana norms.

    Candidates who are eligible required to furnish their updated and detailed resume immediately through the email address provided.

    The salary not a constraint for the deserving candidates.

    The last date for the receipt of the resume is 20.06.2021

    The venue for the interview:
    RPS Public School,
    Rewari Campus, Rewari

    Contact details:
    RPS Group of Schools,
    Mahendergarh, Rewari-I, Rewari-II,
    Dharuhera, Narnaul, Hansi, Kosli,
    Gurugram Sector 50, Gurugram Sector 89,
    Behror, Hisar

    Detailed recruitment notification can be had at:
    Refer to the newspaper ads at:
    Times of India, Times Ascent, Delhi edition dated 16.06.2021 at page number 09

    About Employer

    RPS Group of Schools, Mahendergarh, Rewari, Dharuhera, Narnaul, Hansi, Kosli, Gurugram, Behror, Hisar affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi

    Find more jobs: Teaching Jobs in India

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