Banaras Hindu University Career for Research Position Job vacancy

Banaras Hindu University has published a notification to fill the vacant post of Research Position job vacancies. Learn to know detail about how to apply, eligibility, interview etc in the description box

Last Date to Apply: 31-Dec-2021

Employer: Banaras Hindu University

Address: Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005



Phone: Not Provided

Skills: Excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills

Experience: Refer to Description box

Education: Refer to Description box

Job Location: Varanasi   (View Jobs in Varanasi    Jobs in Uttar Pradesh)

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Banaras Hindu University Career for Research Position Job vacancy

Banaras Hindu University has invited qualified, educated and talented candidates for the following job vacancy

Name of Posts: Research Position
Number of posts: 01
Educational Qualification and Experience: Candidates should have Master's Degree in Bioscience- or equivalent subject and must have qualified UGC/CSIR NET-JRF or GATE-JRF
Salary: As Per Norms

How to Apply

Interested and eligible candidates are requested to apply online application through email to along with supporting documents in the given email address on or before 31-12-2021

Mode of selection: Interview
No DA/TA for attending the interview

Contact Details :
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005

Detailed recruitment notification can be had at:

About Employer

Banaras Hindu University is running under government undertaking sector of India

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