Shree Jain Vidyalaya, Howrah, West Bengal various Teachers job vacancy

Shree Jain Vidyalaya, Howrah, West Bengal affiliated with State Education Board, Government of West Bengal has advertised for various job vacancies, apply immediately

Employer: Shree Jain Vidyalaya

Address: Shree Jain Vidyalaya, 25/1, Banbehari Bose Road, Sandhya Bazar, Choura Bustee, Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal 711101, India


URL:Not provided

Phone: Not stated

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Education: Refer description box for more details

Job Location: Howrah   (View Jobs in Howrah    Jobs in West Bengal)

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Shree Jain Vidyalaya, Howrah, West Bengal various Teachers job vacancy

Shree Jain Vidyalaya, Howrah, West Bengal affiliated with State Education Board, Government of West Bengal invites applications from trained and experienced female candidates for the below-mentioned job vacancies.

Candidate profile
Below mentioned job vacancies are to be recruited

  • Qualified and experienced Teachers for:
    Physical Science
  • Primary Teachers
Candidates should be able to teach up to High School candidates.

For PGT/TGT positions candidates with Graduation or Post Graduation with B.Ed whereas for Primary Teachers candidates with graduation and NTT or TTC or D.El.Ed may apply.

All the positions are on a contractual basis with good pay and prospects.

Candidates should possess at least 5 years of experience in a similar level

Interested candidates may send their curriculum vitae with latest photographs immediately.

Advertisement published on 17.04.2022, no last date for submission of application is mentioned in the notification.

Contact details:
Shree Jain Vidyalaya,
25/1, Banbehari Bose Road,
Sandhya Bazar, Choura Bustee, Shibpur,
Howrah, West Bengal 711101, India

Detailed recruitment notification can be had at:
Times Interact, Kolkata edition dated 17.04.2022 at page number 08

About Employer

Shree Jain Vidyalaya, Howrah, West Bengal affiliated with State Education Board, Government of West Bengal

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