Vice-Principal, Teachers, Clerk, Supervisor job vacancies at Jasnagra Public School Akola

Searching for a school Vice-Principal job notification in Akola, Maharashtra? Looking for ICSE school teaching jobs in Akola? This job page provides opportunities for teachers and non-teaching qualified candidates.

Employer: Jasnagra Public School

Address: Refer to the address given below.

Email: refer to the email ID given below.

URL:no school website

Phone: refer to the phone number given below.

Skills: Refer to details below.

Experience: Refer to details below.

Education: Refer to details below.

Job Location: Akola   (View Jobs in Akola    Jobs in Maharashtra)

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Vice-Principal, Teachers, Clerk, Supervisor job vacancies at Jasnagra Public School Akola

Jasnagra Public School, Akola invites applications from qualified and experienced candidates for the below-mentioned vacancies. Candidates should have good English communication skills and computer knowledge.

Vice-Principal vacancy

The applicant should be a Trained Post Graduate with a minimum of 15 years of relevant experience.

Supervisor vacancy

The applicant should be a Trained Post Graduate with a minimum of 10 years of relevant experience.

Teaching vacancies

1. Trained Graduate Teachers in the relevant subject with B.Ed./TET/CTET with a minimum experience of 5 years essential (refer to the print advt. to know the subjects).

2. Pre-Primary Teachers: Montessori-trained smart teachers who are clear in conversations.

3. Art Teacher: BFA/M.F.A.

4. Music Teacher: Sangeet Visharad

Non-teaching vacancy

A Clerk is required for the office. The applicant should have some relevant experience with knowledge of working in a school.

Application procedure

Interested candidates should submit their resume by email and appear for interviews on 10th and 11th October 2022, between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Candidates should bring scanned/photocopies of mark sheets, experience certificates, and appreciation certificates, awards, etc.
School address- Jasnagra Public School, Ridhora, Tal. Balapur, Dist. Akola
Ph: 8888228877


About Employer

Jasnagra Public School, Akola is a co-ed ICSE school.

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