CBSE School Teaching jobs at Yashwantrao Chavan Secondary and Higher Secondary School Washim

Qualified and experienced candidates are required for teaching and non-teaching posts at Yashwantrao Chavan Secondary and Higher Secondary School, Mangrulpir, Washim. Details of the vacancies and how to apply are mentioned in the job notification below.

Employer: Yashwantrao Chavan Secondary and HSS

Address: Refer to the address given below.

Email: refer to the email ID given below.

URL:no school website

Phone: refer to the phone numbers given below.

Skills: Refer to details below.

Experience: Refer to details below.

Education: Refer to details below.

Job Location: Washim   (View Jobs in Washim    Jobs in Maharashtra)

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CBSE School Teaching jobs at Yashwantrao Chavan Secondary and Higher Secondary School Washim

Yashwantrao Chavan Secondary and Higher Secondary School, Mangrulpir, Washim invites applications from trained and experienced candidates for the below-mentioned teaching and non-teaching posts.

General criteria: Min. two years of experience in a CBSE school or any English medium school. Fluency in English and computer knowledge is essential.

Teaching vacancies

1. PGT/TGT: BSc/MSc, BEd for Maths, Computer Science, and science subjects.

2. PGT/TGT: MA, BEd for English, SST, Marathi, and Hindi.

3. Music Teacher: Degree in Music (Vocal, and instrumental)

4. PTI (female): BPEd/MPEd

5. Activity Teacher for Dance, Drama, etc.

Other vacancies

1. Librarian: BLib/MLib
2. Accountant/Clerk: Graduate with computer knowledge.

Interview schedule

Interested candidates should come for the interivew with their application, resume, original documents, with one set of photocopies, and two passport size photos.
Interview Date: 4th April 2023.
Time: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Yashwantrao Chavan Secondary and Higher Secondary School, Mangrulpir, Washim Road, Dist. Washim
Ph: 9837929293

Candidates should email their resumes to or WhatsApp on 9850380807.


About Employer

Yashwantrao Chavan Secondary and Higher Secondary School, Washim is a private CBSE-affiliated school.

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