Free Online Model Entrance Examinations offers an opportunity for Indian students and graduates to prepare for Entrance examinations and Job Tests. Try our free model entrance
examinations today and achieve success in your upcoming entrance examinations.

Aptitude Questions

If you are looking for general aptitude questions to prepare for competitive exams, our free online Aptitude practice test questions will help you to score higher.
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Bank Exam Practice Tests

Are you planning to appear for bank tests? Take our free online Bank exam practice tests which would be the perfect place to practice questions similar to the real bank exams and eligibility tests.
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Engineering Entrance Exam Practice Tests

Are you dreaming of securing a seat in your favourite course of Engineering in India? If yes, our free Engineering Entrance Exam practise test would be the perfect place to practise questions similar to the real entrance exams.
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General Knowledge

How good do you think is your General Knowledge? Do you think it is sufficient to face interviews, competitive exams or entrance exams? If you are preparing for any of these, you will find this section extremely helpful.
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General Knowledge - India

If you are looking for practise test on General Knowledge questions based on India, our practise test feature will help you improve your knowledge about India and pass competitive tests.
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General Knowledge - World

You will find General Knowledge questions about the world in this section. Our free practise test feature will help you prepare for competitive exams and would also help you to improve your knowledge about world.
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Indian Railway Recruitment Board Exam

If you are planning to appear for the Indian Railway Recruitment Board Exam, then this practice test would be really helpful to you. This is a free sample test paper.
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Are you preparing to appear for Associate examinations ( JAIIB/CAIIB) for Banking and Finance? If yes, you have come to the right place. Our free practise tests will provide you thousands of practise questions with similar pattern as in JAIIB/CAIIB.
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Law Entrance Exams

Do you want to become a legal practitioner? If you want to appear for the Law Entrance exams in India, take up the free online practise tests at IndiaStudyChannel.
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Medical Entrance Exam

Did you always dreamt of becoming a doctor in the future? Use our free medical entrance practice tests feature and get a better score in the exams.
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PG Medical Entrance

After finishing M.B.B.S/B.D.S are you now planning to appear for the PG Medical Entrance Exams? Try our free online practise test papers before you actually appear for the exam.
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PhD in Homeopathy Entrance Examination

Are you planning to appear for the Ph.D. Homeopathy Entrance exams in India? Our free practise test papers on the Ph.D. Homeopathy Entrance Exam would help you for the same.
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