Indian intelligence in Mathematics and Physics
This resource describes the thinking of Indians in the subjects of Mathematics and Physics.This resource also describes the research oriented nature of Indians and their educational system.
Indian student thinking:
"Wow,did you say Maths..I just love it", says an Indian in general.
"Oh, did you say Physics...well have to go through the basics concepts again",says an Indian in general.
Now, taking these two sentences into consideration I do not see anyone challenging me so as to oppose me because everyone knows that this is the way an Indian generally thinks.Why, what and how is this justified? Well, yes, Indians are generally considered to be intelligent, but also sometimes get into the wrong books for mugging up things.Am I wrong? NO is the answer because we know how we are.Indians tend to learn the concept , but when things go the either way, they look for shortcuts and tend to develop the habit of mugging up things.Problematics Physics and lovely Mathematics:
I strongly with the top of my voice say,this is the reason why we cannot still top the charts in the subject of Physics.Physics as a subject is itself tough to deal with.It has a lot of concepts and ideas which are itself hard and tough to understand what have already been proven.Then how are people working on it? How are the people of other countries especially USA, Germany and Japan are progressing taking Physics and mechanics as the basics.
Coming to the concept of Mathemetics, Indians are considered champions in Mathematics.Three cheers to Aryabhatta for his great contribution in this subject for the invention of Zero.This invention revolutionized the thinking of many people.Mathematics completely got transformed and it took a complete change.When Indians can master Mathematics, why can't they master Physics.Educational approach:
If anyone makes a survey in today's schools and ask what they want to become in future, then the lion share goes to engineers and doctors too.Only a few will vote for scientists.Many do not aspire to do research work.
It is because the way we are taught itself is not correct.I am not here to blame the entire educational system, I am just here to speak of what I understood.Schools in India, be it CBSE, ICSE or state syllabus teach students of what has been already taught and researched.It is a nice concept and I do not deny the fact that this is absolutely necessary.Then, what next? Even in the professional courses they teach the same old theories and some students even waste time in reading of what they have never heard and will never implement in life.
Researching is what is important and is need of the hour.Students should be let free and must be given the freedom to explore and think of his own.They should be made and think in a way to correlate the real time objects into the researching world.A change should be brought in the graduation level and by the time a student completes his graduation in any professional course should be able to complete research work on at least one subject of his desire and choice.Freedom to think:
Indians being very lucky have the ability to do mathematics well. So if they opt for Physics in their graduation, they should be let free to think of the subject on their own rather then pressurising them to get marks, marks and marks.Giving freedom is an indirect way of letting one's ideas to explore the world.If a student of 18-22 age is let to think, he/she will pump their ideas because it is said that a human being will have the urge tp learn between the age of 18 and 29.After the age of 30, he/she will lose the urge to learn
Free flow of ideas means free flow of innovations.There might be mistakes in the initial stage but after committing a few mistakes, they will learn not to repeat them and think in the right way for new ideas.Maybe this thinking of our youth may one day lead to new concepts and invent a new thing which may make country feel proud.