Integrated personality

Characteristics and importance of Integrated personality. Read this article for more detail on various personality.


Integrated personality is one in whom various aspects of personality are working in a harmonious and effective manner. The integration of personality is the integration of all psycho-physical traits of personality.

According to Guilford, Integrated personality emerges from the synthesis of seven traits – psychology, needs, interests, attitude, temperament, aptitude and morphology.

In wood worth's opinion, an integrated personality is one in which the several traits, interests, and desires are combined in an effective harmonious unity.

In an Integrated personality, mind and emotions, desire and determination, and all mental activities work in an organized way.

There are no conflicts in an integrated personality.

In such a person, his ambitions and aspirations are in accordance with his mental capacities and his objectives are realistically attuned to the required physical energy.

An integrated personality is flexible, strong, and organized as well as balanced.

Such a person has realistic assessment of himself , his strength, and weakness, has stable concept involving higher level of self esteem and fewer feelings of inadequacy and fewer evidence of compensatory behavior and accept himself , leading to himself being accepted by others.

Integrated personality implies harmony between five important aspects of personality:

Harmony between one's abilities and capacities.

Harmony among one's interests.

Harmony between one's abilities and interests.

Harmony between one's self concept and social constraints.

Harmony between one's life goal and social codes of conduct.


The fostering of the development of a wholesome, integrated personality in pupils is the aim of educational endeavor. The integration of personality is necessary in order to effect adjustment with the environment. Adjustment will be natural and easy if integration is strong. If the integration is less than essential then the problems of adjustment with environment rise. In the absence of the integration of personality is unbalanced there being no proper blending of psycho-physical traits. Such a person can neither be skilled in his behavior nor does he get success in his life's tasks.


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