How to maintain a good relationship between teachers and students?
A warm rapport between a teacher and a student is always necessary. The relationship or bond between a teacher and a student is always strong and special. The strong bondage can be realized in the future.
Good relation between a teacher and a student
The students must also maintain a cordial relationship with their teacher because a teacher is always an important figure of her life. A teacher takes the charge of her parents in school and provides guidance of various subjects. We still remember the phrases told by our teacher even after fifteen years of age. I still remember that our Hindi teacher in grade XIII once told us when she was explaining a lesson. She said that never trust the people who do not have any control over their oral activities i.e. never believe the people who eat continuously or who speak continuously and such people are never reliable. We still remember the valuable lesson she told us. In the future whenever we are in our difficulties they may help us. A teacher also should maintain a good relationship with the students because the student however successful in life never forgets the lessons taught by the teacher. I remember when I was in school, many ex-students who turned doctors, engineers and worked in nations like U.S, U.K, still kept on visiting their old teachers. I personally viewed that they experienced such personal satisfaction after having a relaxing chat with their old teachers. However, successful a person may become in the future, he or she depends emotionally upon her close associates. The teacher should not underestimate or condemn students who are weak in studies because anybody can be successful in the future. The teacher and the student both of them should contribute to a good relationship. Most of them still personally feel to go to school and visit their old teachers. How to maintain cordial relationship between teacher and student
Contribution of the teacher
Should be emphatic
The teacher should always appear emphatic to the students. She should cater the needs of the students in a emphatic way. Apart from teaching the students the syllabus she should also take interest in every child. Giving personal care to every child may not be possible because in a class at least 60 students exist. But her attitude towards the children should be positive and exhibit a warm behavior. The children still have their innocent minds and need emotional care of somebody in the absence of their parents. Showing a good behavior towards children does not harm them in any way. If you are working in an office, then you cannot blindly show your kindness to anyone because you do not know the motives of anybody in the office. But the mental framework of children is so simple that they cannot harm anyone. To show care the teacher should wish them warmly before she or he starts her period and before leaving the class. She should be polite to every student in her approach and allow them space to ask their questions. The children should not be scared to ask them their doubts. She should not grumble in the class to perform any work for the children such as correcting notebooks, collecting the books and keeping them in the cupboard, arranging for maps, charts for teaching them lessons etc. most of the teacher grumble towards students that they are loaded with work. So what can the students do about it and the students are so innocent that they cannot backanswer their teachers. But nobody ever maintains a good rapport with such teachers. Teach with interest
The teacher should realize that her duty of teaching the students is prime. She should teach the students every lesson understanding her duty. She should ensure at the end of every class that her explanation has been understood by the students. She should ask some questions in between to ensure that the students have understood and also ask the students if they have doubts. She should use as many devises as possible to explain the lesson. For geography she should arrange for maps, atlas and some pictures for historical events. In the same way she or he can arrange for charts for science lessons and arrange for a demonstration in labs periodically. While teaching the students she should also mix the flavor of love so that she can explain with vigor. The emotional blend is very necessary while teaching. She should develop a feeling that the students must acquire knowledge from her or him and contribute the knowledge in a noble way. Impartial attitude
The teachers in the class should show their impartial attitude towards their students because every pupil in the class is unique. If they come across students who are extremely weak in studies then they should not provide a label to them or insult them to disappoint the little children. Every student is equal in the eyes of the teacher and the teacher does not have the right to distinguish the students in any way. If the child is extremely weak in studies then the child is a challenge to the teachers. The teacher should try to elevate the student in any way or if they encounter any problems with the teacher then they should personally call the parents to clear their doubts. The teacher should realize that if their own children were born weak then how could they treat the child? Any child may become successful in the future and if you are supportive to the child against his bad phase then definitely when the child is successful in the future the child walks towards your door. Calmly handle the situations in class
She should have a good knack to solve the problems of the class in an intellectual way. She or he should peacefully carry the activities of the class. If anybody is interrupting the class while teaching then they should warn the students in a very normal way that the students realizes to behave properly other than throwing tantrums. They should apart from that arrange for leisure activities also. Contribute from the students
The students should always appear attentive in the classrooms. They should show their interest towards the lessons taught by the teachers. If the student is attentive then the teacher also feels the respect. Otherwise the teacher thinks that the student is not interested with the teacher. You should be in rapt attention when the teacher is explaining you. Answer the questions
When the teacher asks the class any question try to answer the question with interest. Always show your interest when the teacher asks questions in the class. But do not answer the question if asked to other students. Ask questions
Always ask the teachers the doubts you have in mind. Ask teacher as many questions as you can during their free time. Take the initiative of asking them innovative questions. Ask them the questions relating to the syllabus and do not ask them personal questions anytime. To ask the teacher your doubts you must study hard. You cannot develop doubts unless you study. Be participative
Participate in as many activities as possible because participation gets you in contact with many teachers. The teachers always appreciate the active participation from the students. Do voluntary activities during the time of festivals, occasions in school to become close with the teachers. Do not flatter
Do not try to impress your teachers by giving them bouquets, gifts during examination to get more marks. Most of the teachers are not impressed by this activity. Do not purposely give flattery words to create impression. The teacher understands the strategy of the students. If the teacher in case is impressed by the flattery activities then do not impress such teachers. Such teachers are not playing a perfect role. The attitude of such teachers is always selfish.
Dear friend,
In the second paragraph I feel the word should not be 'emphatic' but 'empathetic'. A good attempt. congrats.