Legal provision for environment management-Part-2

Some more legal provision imposed by Government on the Environment are Air and Water Act. I shared these Acts separately because in today's world it should be the priority of everyone on this earth to save water and air from being depleted.

This article is continuation of Legal provision for environment management.

6) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974:- This Act was enacted to control the problems due to the quality of water being affected by pollution has been announced from time to time.

Salient features of the Act:-

  • Prevention and control of water pollution.

  • Maintaining and restoring the wholesomeness of water.

  • Established the Central and State Boards for the prevention and control of water pollution.

  • The Central and State Boards have the authority to levy and collect taz on industries using water, depending upon the amount of water used.

  • The State Pollution Control Boards(SPCB) can inspect trade effluents and wastewater treatment plants.

  • No person is allowed to add any toxic, noxious or polluting matter directly or indirectly into any stream, well, or land.

  • In case of failure to provide information by a person discharging effluents into streams or wells or establishment of an effluent disposal system, the penalty is imprisonment up to three months or fine up to Rs.10,000 or both.

7) Air(Prevention and control of Pollution)Act, 1981:-The central Pollution Control Board and the State Pollution Control Board are also empowered with authority and ad-ministrative functions for the Air Act similar to the Water Act.

The central Board Sets nationally ambient air standards and the State boards can petition local magistrates to re-strain pollutes from crossing or exceeding the limits as specified by the Central board.

Salient features of the Act are:-

  • Prevention, control and abatement of air pollution Maintain air quality.

  • Authorising the Central and State boards for the prevention and Control of air pollution.

  • The Boards prohibit the use of any fuel or appliance causing or likely to cause air pollution in an air pollution control area.

  • To ensure that emission standards from automobiles are compiled with.

  • Any authorized person has the power th take samples of air or emission from any chimney duct, etc. for analysis.

  • Penalty for violation or default or the provision under the Act are the same as in the Water Act


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