Exam dates announced for MBBS course affiliated to RGUHS Karnataka for June-July 2013
Students and institutions affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and Science(RGUHS) karnataka, have been notified about undergraduate exam dates to be held in June-July 2013. The courses for which exams are held for MBBS, BDS and other Paramedical courses.
Mbbs degree examination June-July 2013
31st May 2013: Time table of Rguhs mbbs exams to be held in June-July 2013 can be found in the below link as a separate new post.
Time table for mbbs exam June-July 2013
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update as on 26th November 2012
26th November 2012: The exam dates for the upcoming exam in December 2012 has been updated in the following links.
The time table for all four years of MBBS have been announced. Click the respective 'year' links below to know your time table.
Time table of Phase 2 MBBS
Time table of Third year MBBS
Time table of final year MBBS.
This article is about notifying the exam dates for Medical, Paramedical and BDS courses from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and Sciences(RGUHS) Karnataka. This year the university have announced the exam dates more than 2 months earlier in order to alert to cover all portions by the teaching staff and for students to be better prepared for exams by starting to study seriously.
The Start date for the exams has been decided to be on December 20th 2011.
Apart from the this, it is mandatory for all the colleges to upload the internal assessment marks of all students on the official RGUHS website a month earlier from the start date of exams. Which means all the internals should be conducted and marks uploaded on or before 20th November 2011.
However the exact time table for different medical courses is yet to be announced. This post will be updated as soon as the time table is announced. Please note that these exam dates are only for medical colleges within Karnataka.
Reference: www.rguhs.ac.in