Reasons and Remedies for children not studying well

Most parents have high hopes for their children. Parents wish their children to study well, get high marks and lead a successful career. This article examine why the children don't study well and the what can be done to improve their performance.

In most Indian families, we see a tendency of parents pressuring the children to achieve those career goals which was their own during the childhood, but which they failed to achieve. It is a common problem in aspiring societies like India that the children do not reach up to the expectations of the parents. They fail in achieving good marks and do not end up in a successful career which will provide them with the means to lead a good life. This happens in many families; though the parents provide everything they can, to help the child's studies. Those parents who have these complaints should know one thing. The facilities to study alone will not help the child to achieve good marks and lead a successful career.

Factors which influence the child's studies

There are many factors which influence the learning abilities of a child. Following are some of important factors:

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ):- It is scientifically proven that each child has an IQ which is special to him/her, and this will affect the learning abilities of the child.
2. Physical health:- Physical health is necessary for the child to concentrate in class, imbibe his/her teacher's words, to do homework, and above all, study well.
3. Atmosphere in home:- Providing all the material facilities won't make your child study well. For this, a peaceful and loving atmosphere is necessary.
4. Atmosphere in school:- If the child has problems in school, this also will affect his/her learning abilities. A pleasant and friendly atmosphere in home is necessary for your child to concentrate on learning.

Why doesn't your child study well?

Many reasons prevent your child from studying well

1. Your child may have a low IQ. Sometimes it is even possible that the child may be suffering from some kind of learning disabilities.
2. Health problems may prevent your child from studying well. If he/she suffers from diseases like headache, recurrent cold and fever, allergy etc, it becomes impossible for him/her to attend classes, or even concentrate in classes.
3. Problems in home may include quarrel between parents, fights with siblings, extreme pressure from parents, comparison with siblings/cousins/friends, corporeal punishments, lack of recognition from parents etc may affect child's ability to study.
4. Problems in school may include isolation from other students, fights with other students, corporeal and insulting punishments, partiality from the part of teachers, child's inherent lack of interest in a particular subject, child's difficulty to go along with particular teachers, extreme competition, tension and pressure etc.

What are the remedies?

There are many things that the parents can do to boost up the learning abilities of children

1. If you feel that the child has very low IQ or learning disability, consult a doctor. Special care and teaching methods may be needed for children with learning disabilities
2. Ask the child whether he/she faces any recurrent health problems. Do not avoid his/her diseases.
3. Make that the child eats nutritious food. More than junk food and artificial drinks make sure that the child gets enough nutrition from natural foods.
4. If the child is allergic to something, stop using that thing and switch to alternatives.
5. Avoid disparities between parents. Avoid quarrels at least when the child is present.
6. Treat siblings always equally and never show partiality. Solve the fights between them diplomatically and teach them to love each other.
7. Never compare your child with other children. This will only ruin your child's spirit and may even cause lifelong enmity with the ones he/she was compared with.
8. If the children misbehave, instead of using corporeal punishments, try denying the things children love. You can forbid them from watching TV, playing etc rather than using force upon them.
9. Recognise the child's achievements. Reward very good achievements with small presents. But do not give expensive gifts for small achievements. Also take care not to make this a habit.
10. If you feels that your child is being isolated or hated in the class, try to find out the reasons for such hatred and remove those traits from child's behaviour.
11. If you feel that the teachers are showing partiality or punishing children in an insulting way, it is better to shift him/her to another school.
12. Give the child the courage to face tension and pressure and adopt relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation etc if necessary

The childhood and adolescence are the formative years of your kid's life. A little care, love and encouragement in these years can make your child a successful personality. Never forget this and prepare your child for the worst in the life.


Author: JyotiS21 Nov 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 7

I find this article very informative and useful. Many parents keeps on bragging and blaming their child for poor performance at school without actually caring to know actual reason behind their low performance.
Intelligence Quotient plays a very important role in deciding your child's performance in school. No two child can have same intelligence so comparing them with their friends is simply not reasonable. Also, some parent tend to compare their own siblings; 'if your younger sister can score A+ then why can't you?' This is totally not acceptable as this may do more harm than good for them. Such comparison may take them away from his own family and he may become rebilious in the long run. Try to be more understanding and caring in your approach.
If you child has average IQ, with suitable examples make him understand that with constant hard-work and effort, he can do wonders; "Karat-karat-abhyas ke jadmati hoth sujaan". It means with constant effort every a person with low intelligence can become a scholar.

Proper motivation, healthy family environment and balanced diet is what actually promotes good ranks in students.

Author: Jagdish Patro22 Nov 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 4

I appreciate the author of this article for bringing such a useful topic for the parents of today.
In the days of competitive world, a child is put under more pressure and proper parenting required for the child to grow mentally and physically. The problem with today's parent is that expectations are more on the children and they are forced to perform well and teachers also have no time to concentrate properly on the child. Instead of finding reasons for the non-performance, the child would be targeted by making comparisons. This would rather give a wrong impression to the child and it leads to his further poor performance.

Author: Chitra22 Nov 2013 Member Level: Gold   Points : 10

A well written article by the author. Parenting is a difficult and important task to be performed and it pays a vital role in molding up the character of the child. Many parents complaint that their child does not study well. But before complaining or taking measures to solve the problem, first the parents need to analyze what is the actual reason behind this nature of their child. Parents should always keep in mind the fact that not all children are alike and they differ in their EQ and IQ levels. Similarly certain children need more time to grasp and understand things while some other can do it with ease. Hence, find out the category in which your child falls. If he has low IQ or grasping power, take time with him and give him confidence. In such a situation never compare your child with his classmates, instead be with him and give him all the support to overcome his difficulties. You may arrange private tuition and help him at home as well. Gradually he will have a change, but do not expect it overnight.

Secondly remember physical and mental health is must for one's development, hence never ask your kid to study always Give him enough free time in between to engage in outdoor games and sports. It is well said that All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A dull boy will not have the energy and mood to learn things. Another thing parents should make initiative is to keep aside all deviating things from the study room and make the study room a fantastic lace to learn. The room should have space for ample amount of natural light and air. Secondly, all the reference books should be placed in the room itself. It is easy to divert a child's mind from studies, hence if he go out from the room to take another book, he might get diverted by the TV in the living room, To avoid these the study room should be well equipped.

A major thing in making a child studious is to make him understand the worth of learning and education. Due to the younger age many children may be interested in playing games and will give only second priority to studies. These situations can be changed by having combined studies. It is a good platform to exchange and share knowledge and informations and also it makes the children in the group to study well with a competitive mind. Parents should do the needful to arrange study class for their kids. Also never let your worries passed on to your child, let he be happy and surely he will learn better with time and support. There is nothing that can't be achieved with will power and time.

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