Detailed Syllabus of 7 and 8 sem. B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering of (RTU)

In this resource detailed syllabus of 7 and 8 sem. B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering of Rajasthan Technical University, 2011 and 2012 batch, In this every unit topics of each subject is given and Text/References is also mention.

In this resource detailed syllabus of 7 and 8 Sem. B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering of Rajasthan Technical University, 2011 and 2012 batch.
In this resource the each and every unit topics of each subject is given.
and also the Text/References books for particular subject is also given.
and also the syllabus of practical subject's is also given.

List of subject's

In VII Sem.

Theory Subject's:-

  1. Software project management

  2. Wireless communication & networks

  3. Compiler construction

  4. Computer aided design for VLSI

  5. Computer graphics & multimedia techniques

  6. Advance database management systems

  7. Data mining & ware housing

  8. Data compression techniques

Practical Subject's:-

  1. Computer graphics & multimedia lab

  2. VLSI physical design lab

  3. Compiler design lab

In VIII Sem:-

Theory Subject's:-

  1. Mobile computing

  2. Information system security

  3. Distributed systems

  4. Hardware Testing and Fault Tolerance

  5. Real time systems

  6. Digital image processing

Practical Subject's:-

  1. Unix network programming & simulation lab

  2. FPGA lab

  3. Seminar on information technology acts

The Syllabus is in attachment PDF file.


  • Syllabi_CS_VII___VIII_w.e.f._2011-12 (146672-15828-Syllabi_CS_VII___VIII_w.e.f._201.pdf)
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