Detailed Syllabus of 7 and 8 sem. B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering of (RTU)
In this resource detailed syllabus of 7 and 8 sem. B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering of Rajasthan Technical University, 2011 and 2012 batch, In this every unit topics of each subject is given and Text/References is also mention.
In this resource detailed syllabus of 7 and 8 Sem. B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering of Rajasthan Technical University, 2011 and 2012 batch.
In this resource the each and every unit topics of each subject is given.
and also the Text/References books for particular subject is also given.
and also the syllabus of practical subject's is also given.
List of subject's
In VII Sem.
Theory Subject's:-
Practical Subject's:-
In VIII Sem:-
Theory Subject's:-
Practical Subject's:-
The Syllabus is in attachment PDF file.