A Review On Online Teaching, Online Publishing And Earning Through Medical Transcription

Information on online teaching and online publishing websites has been given in this article. A little information on earning through medical transcription is also given in this resource. I have given information on seven online teaching websites and two adsense revenue sharing websites.

Earning approaches through online jobs:

Internet service makes all over the world as a tiny village. Those who have completed their degrees they can do even online jobs from home or cyber cafe.
In the following fields, they can get revenue from online.
1. Online teaching
2. Online publishing
3. Medical transcrtion jobs online

1. Online teaching:

One of the most popular online job is
online teaching. But it requires lot of experience in particular fields that seeks by the institutions. The following sites give chance to give online teaching.

Important online teaching websites:

a. Aim for a tutoring:

This site gives opportunity to teach online to students who living in different parts of the world. Those who have interest to teach subjects such as English, Maths, Science subjects from school level to college level, they can apply to this site by submitting the resume with details that were mentioned on the webpage of this site.


This is also online teaching website. But, this site takes the applications from the aspirants of online teaching assistants whenever this site requires the online teaching assistants. If the members of particular field of study are enough, then this site holds new applications for teacher assistants. For more details to know we can visit this site.


Over 400 categories, those who want to teach they can register free in this website. If the learner accepts the teaching of tutor then the tutor would be paid according the charge which would have been fixed by the tutor. With the flexible time of the tutor, he can teach the subject to the learner. For more details, we can visit this site. Any one who wants to teach students they can schedule time before teaching of their topic to the learners.


This is also online job site which recruits online instructors for spoken English. After apply as an instructor in this website, this website provides training about how to teach English to the people who seek knowledge in English all over the world. For more details we can visit this site.


This is also online tutoring site through which a good teacher in particular subject can teach students. By taking own scheduled sessions, one can teach students by charging amount for particular session.But, if a person want to teach in this website, he should have qualification of minimum graduation.


This is a online site which recruits tutors by providing tools that require for online teaching. This site is a flexible site for aspirants who want to teach particular subjects. For more details, we can visit this site.


This is also online tutoring but one should be perfectly eligible to be a tutor in this website. For more details one can visit this site.

2. Online publishing:

Google provides blogging to publish various articles. One can get revenue from the blog through google adsense. This feature provides ads to certain places on the blog which suits the content and keywords in the articles of the blog. As a part of publishing some sites offer adsense revenue sharing
The following websites offer adsense revenue share. They are as follows.

Adsense revenue sharing websites:


Indiastudychannel and its sister sites are excellent to provide 90% adsense revenue share and at the same time it gives cash credits for optimized articles that are written in the resource section of Indiastudychannel.com.

b)Hub pages:

Through this website, one can get 60% of adsense revenue for the articles written in this site. Other modes of revenue facility is also provided in this website.

There are number of online publishing websites such as wordpress etc., through which using adsense, chithika, kontera and other affiliate programmes one can get revenue online.

3.Earning through Medical transcription:

Medical transcription is the course through one can earn money online through out sourcing method. With the knowledge of medical terms and medical field one can do medical transcription job online. This is a pretty job.


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