How To Develop A Good General Knowledge For Civil Service Exams

In this article I will explain you about the points and special tips for the good preparation of general knowledge. General knowledge is a major demand of interviewers and aptitude tests which try to manipulate the whole personality of a person. If you want to your general knowledge then you have to follow some points so that your GK skills are enhanced.


General Knowledge refers to knowledge about the general things in the life and what all is going on in the world. General knowledge (in short GK) is a good way to increase your knowledge in every field whether it is of your interest or not. In simple words you can have a good command over your desired subject if you have a good general knowledge. Usually people are more cared about English speaking or personality development rather than increasing their general knowledge. This results in the uneven development of the persons conscience and virtues as the person lacks the knowledge about the real world. We all have to step into the outside world one day and to be a successful person we must know what all is the condition of the world. For this general knowledge is very important. Also the major tests in academics which aim at complete examining of the personality give a major consideration to general knowledge.

Why to improve general knowledge:

We all feel some need of general knowledge in our daily life. Even an illiterate person knows whether petrol prices are up or down because he has to deal with it in his daily life. General knowledge does not refer to the high knowledge regarding a particular topic. Instead general knowledge deals with the smallest points and fact which could affect a person's daily life. Even a well qualified and highly educated person feels the need of general knowledge in his life. General knowledge varies from knowledge about making a cup of tea to large hadrons collider. Also apart from increasing your personal knowledge general knowledge helps in various exams. People sometimes out of there interest feel themselves inclined towards the study of general knowledge. In that way they know much more about the world and the conditions of the society and make their instincts more powerful.

How to increase general knowledge:

Whether you want to increase you general knowledge to serve your academic purpose or as your hobby or as a need to cope up with the modern world you must know some ways to increase your GK. Following points may be useful to you for increasing your general knowledge:
  • You must develop a habit of reading. Read thoroughly all the reading material which you get in front of you.

  • Look always to remember the important headlines when you see the news on TV. Some headlines are meant to be just looked once but some must be memorized for a long time.

  • Always try to have more emphasis on national and international news. For this you must watch national news channels and international English news channels.

  • You must watch knowledge giving channels like discovery, national geographic , etc. This not only increases your knowledge but also teaches you skills that can be helpful to you anytime in your life.

  • You must note down the important points in a notebook when you see news regarding international affairs of high considerations. They are expected to be asked more than any local or useless news or of less weight age.

  • Always try to read newspapers in your free time. Nothing else can provide you more general and important information than newspaper. Read all the headlines. One which you think are more important read them thoroughly. Always try to have a look on all the points. Don't try to skip any page or any headline because you may find that in some important exam or point of your life.

  • Always try to read about the history of your nation and the world. General knowledge has its wings in all the subjects. Even if you are not a history lover try to memorize important facts like who built Qutb Minar or who were the Mughals.

  • Geography also serves in increasing your general knowledge. Especially the knowledge about vegetation, wildlife of the important regions and seasons and climatic conditions all over the world must be given due importance.

  • Always try to develop a habit of reading novels. Novels increase you ability of concentration and reading skills. They also serve as good brain teasers especially the novels regarding mysteries or facts.

  • Read the biographies or autobiographies of famous people of the world and from history so that you will know about what all are the conditions of the society and what the views of society regarding the facts are and believe.

  • Try to surf the internet for the purpose of gaining knowledge rather than chatting or social networking. If you learn how to use internet for your purpose there will be no such friend like it.

  • Visit libraries for the sake of gaining knowledge. Libraries of schools, colleges, institutions or public libraries are a pace of great knowledge.

  • Always look carefully what the others are saying. Carefully listen to the views and opinions of people on a topic. In this way you will have more knowledge about the topic and you will also develop a skill of judging others and their views.

  • You must try to read as many magazines as possible. Weekly magazines need not to be read thoroughly but the monthly magazines must be read thoroughly for good general knowledge.

  • Try to write an article or a summary on important topics of the modern world. In this way you will be able to express your opinion in the right manner. It is not only important to gain the knowledge but also to represent it in the best way in front of others.


It all depends on you. If you are really interested on the topic of developing a good GK you will always find every source useful to you. Whether it is newspaper or internet the knowledge is endless. It is impossible to develop good GK without keen interest and if you are once attracted by the nee of GK no piece of paper or book will appear to you as useless.


Guest Author: Divyesh21 Jan 2015

I am very happy & feel more confident now after reading this article.

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