Are you pursuing higher education starting from 10+/ITI or Engineering or MBBS or MBA and in first year of the course, then this article is for your benefit. IOC Indian Oil Corporation has been offering academic scholarships for Indian student’s pursuing higher courses. This article will provide you all necessary details regarding the scholarship.
IOCL Indian Oil Corporation Limited has been issued a notification regarding awarding academic scholarships for Indian students who are pursuing different courses. Every year Indian Oil Corporation provides the scholarships for meritorious student's pursuing different courses at higher education level. Here below you can find the course wise complete information of the academic scholarships offered by IOC.
The total duration of the scholarship is two years.
The total number of scholarships offered nationwide is 2000.
The candidate should compulsorily have the eligibility criteria of scoring 65 percent marks at tenth class. SC/ST/OBC/Women has the exemption of scoring 50 percent marks in tenth class and even PHC Physically Handicapped Candidates has the exemption of scoring 50 percent in tenth class.
Most important criteria for applying are the candidates have to be in the first year of the course from any recognized educational institutions.
The total amount payable under the scholarship to the selected candidates is rupees1000 per a month.
The total duration of the scholarship is 4 years.
The total number of scholarships offered nationwide is 300.
The candidates have to fulfill the eligibility criteria of scoring 65 percent marks in their 12 th class (Intermediate). 60 percent marks in case of SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates and 50 percent marks in case of PHC Physically Handicapped Candidates is necessary as they falls under exemption.
Candidates have to be pursuing the first year of the Engineering course from recognized institutions.
Selected candidates will be paid rupees 3000 per a month as scholarship.
The total duration of the scholarship is 4 years.
The total number of scholarships is 200.
For getting eligibility of applying the scholarship, the candidate has to compulsorily score 65 percent marks in their 12 th class (Intermediate). Exemption of marks percentage is applicable for both SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates and PHC Physically Handicapped Candidates. SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates' ahs to score 60 percent marks and Physically Handicapped Candidates has to score 50 percentage marks in 12 th class for applying.
Candidates have to be in the first year of their MBBS course from any recognized education institution.
The scholarship amount paid to the selected candidates is Rupees 3000 per a month.
The total duration of the scholarship is 2 years.
The total number of scholarships distributed nationwide is 100.
The general candidate has to score 65 percent marks in graduation for applying the scholarship. Under exemption of marks percentage, SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates have to score 60 percent and Physically Challenged Candidates have to score 50 percent marks in their graduation.
The candidates have to be pursuing the respected courses from any recognized intuition.
Selected candidates will be paid an amount of rupees 3000 per a month as scholarship.
Age limit
The candidate's age should be in the range of 15-30 years by the 3 rd of July 2012.
The candidates have to be born between July3, 1982- July3, 1997.
An OBC candidate has 3 years of age exemption.
Physically Handicapped Candidates has 5 years of age exemption.
Parental income limit
Parents annual income should not be exceed more than 1,00000 rupees.
Candidates having parental annual income less than 60,000 will be given preference at the time of selection.
Application procedure
Candidates have to apply through online mode.
Last date for receiving the online applications is September 30, 2012.
For more details and for applying candidates have to visit the website: