Central University of Hyderabad – Distance education

This article reveals the admission process of the distance mode of education in Central University of Hyderabad. The quality of education with limited admissions will be organized by the experienced and efficient professors through their prepared material and lecture to the students. The admissions of PG diploma courses with technical know-how will help them to get employment immediately after completion of courses will be closed by this month end.


The tradition of regular stream of education gradually sifted to distance education. It has been changing the needs of requirements of society and to the demand from technology and Industry in the corporate sectors of both in private and public. Actually the main aim of the distance education is to promote the traditional degrees like B.A, B.Com and B.Sc. Particularly for employed persons, house wives and the persons engaged with responsibilities at home. Every university in India introduced the distance mode of education. After globalization the competition in the skills and technology know-how became more competent to grab the opportunities for every aspirant of good job. So the system of distance education has necessity to take part their role in introducing management, technical and professional courses including job oriented courses.


Our national literacy rate is above 73.4%. This percentage has been reduced to 13% by reaching higher education. A country development will depend upon the percentage of higher education qualified candidates but not primary literacy rate. Central Govt. had put knowledge commission under the leadership of Shyam Pitroda on this issue to improve the higher education in our country. He suggested and need to establish 1500 universities throughout country. It needs thousands crore money. The Govt. is unable to procure money for setting up of universities. Then their view turned towards distance education and formed DEC (Distance Education Council) for looking all distance learning adopted universities. Distance education has commercial attitude and revenue generation will obtain at the introduction and in offering courses to the students. So some students are eager to go abroad to their Best career opportunities in Ireland for 2013. Hence the Central University of Hyderabad setup a wing in its campus separately called "Center for distance and virtual learning." for not on the base of commercial and income generation system.


Central University of Hyderabad is one of the most famous universities of India and also top ranked educational unit located in Hyderabad. This University has been offering different courses for ten years in the distance mode. It was responded with the accomplice the modifications of requirements to the market and to the technical world. The university has decided new courses in the distance mode as in the courses in the regular stream with the partnership of private and public sectors. Placement courses and skills oriented courses have been introduced which are useful to the students for employment immediately after completion of education. The notification for 2013 year has been released for admissions through distance mode of learning.

Types of courses

Central University of Hyderabad has setup a separate department named virtual learning center under its organization offered fifteen types of postgraduate diploma courses through correspondence and contact method. These courses are related to Management, Law, Sciences, Social sciences and language subjects. It provides practical exposer to the students like to compete with the regular stream of courses with the cooperation of private and public enterprises for the duration courses. These courses have been recognized by the AICTE (All India council for Technical Education) and DEC (Distance Education Council) of Central Govt. Delhi. The curriculum of these courses designed according to the knowledge oriented, market needs and followed norms of UGC and DEC.
The regular faculty of Central University of Hyderabad directly participated and share the administer of classes, syllabus framing, conducting of examinations, valuation of answer sheets and related items which enable the students getting merit. The students would get guest lecture from efficient personalities of particular department of the subject of the student chosen. For example the forensic student would get lecture from the expert of forensic department of Govt. and also interaction session with them to learn project and field work. In addition to the students, employed persons the retired people who are interested in these courses joined as Be an younger even at the age sixty plus.

Offering courses as per the schedule 2013

  • PG diploma in project management

  • PG diploma in library automation and networking

  • PG diploma in cyber laws and intellectual property rights

  • PG diploma in business management

  • PG diploma in energy management

  • PG diploma in communicative English

  • PG diploma in criminal justice and forensic science

  • PG diploma in governess

  • PG diploma in human rights

  • PG diploma in translation studies in Hindi

  • PG diploma in Tele-communications

  • PG diploma in medicinal botany

  • PG diploma in sustainable rural development

  • PG diploma in technology management in agriculture

  • PG diploma in bio-informatics

  • Admissions are limited

    This University has been preferred to admit limited number of students despite the huge demand of applicants thronged the university walls to join in the distance mode of learning. The University authorities decided in its declaration that they insisted quality education rather than quantity. There is a chance only for 250 students to join in every year on the merit base. The qualification, marks in the previous exam, professional experience etc. are to be reckoned at the time of admission. The students those who wanted admission in to Business Management, they have to write entrance test. The score in that test will be decided the admission. Courses will be run on semester system.

    Application procedure

    There are two options for getting application and prospectus. In the first option, the candidate has to pay Rs.350/- at office counter for getting application and prospectus.
    The candidate can down load application and prospectus from university website: www.uohyd.ac.in after Rs.300/- DD in favor of 'Finance officer- university of Hyderabad' payable at Hyderabad should be submitted to the address given below along with application on or before January 31st. 2013
    The assistant Registrar,
    Center distance and virtual learning,
    University of Hyderabad,
    Nampally (Golden thresh hold campus),

    Study material

    Central University of Hyderabad has given higher priority in preparing study material from their expert staff to supply for students joined in distance learning mode. The regular stream of students have no this kind of facility. These students have to buy books in the book stalls or they have to prepare their own notes through referring different books in the library. But here in this distance mode the faculty will hand over the study material to students.

    Continuous evaluation

    There has been continuous evaluation in this distance mode of education through 'Internal and External' combinations. This means the weightage will be given for student's attendance, assignment, term-end examination and for every stage provides weightage in form of marks or grades. So the students will be alerted to get more attendance and marks through their performance. The students will have to attend the classes six or ten times which the University will arrange for every year. For some courses there are two contact classes, per every contact class will run six to ten days. 10% weightage for attendance, 30% for internal assignment and 60% for term-end exams will be given to student for is assessment of his promotion.

    Attached with Industries

    Mostly the traditional courses were not related to the Industries and social related requirements to apply in the society. So some courses have lost their importance. Hence this University offers some courses like Bio-Medical Engineer attached to the Truth labs, GVK Bio-sciences, Pharmaceutical companies and offers in the distance education and also conducted combined courses with the Companies. Rural development and technical courses are offering in this mode of education with the help and cooperation of the some limited companies like National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) and Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). Class room work and theory while goes in to the class rooms of university, the practical work will conduct in to the concerned Industries. For example the telecom students will get their practical class in Regional Telecom Training Center (RTTC).

    Equaling to regular courses

    There have been opportunities for distance education students get equilent to regular students of any other universities in India. The University administers the classes of spoken English skills in how Auxiliary verbs benefited spoken English and prepositions use in competitive exams and the necessary part of Grammar which is useful for their placement in the Campus too. GVK Bio-sciences, NIRD, many voluntary organizations and Multi-National Companies (MNCs) are giving opportunities in their firms after completion of their courses. Media houses recruit candidates who completed the translation and communicative English courses. There are four thousand voluntary organizations are working in the rural and urban areas. They need candidates who completed rural development courses. Besides these courses will be utilized for promotion of Govt. employees.

    Quality of education

    University of Hyderabad – Center for distance and virtual learning did not establish any study center or affiliated institutes throughout India despite several requests / applications came for set up study centers due to the fear of quality of education falling down. There is only one contact center that is University of Hyderabad – Center for distance and virtual learning. The students are coming not only from Andhra Pradesh but also other states for admission. So the university decided to conduct on-line teaching method for some courses on trial and error method from coming year. In this way many students will get benefit. The University is searching to teach items of the courses through "Web-based / E-learning." Already some lessons have been changed as audio.


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