Mother's Guide to Antenatal Care – Your Own Pregnancy Calendar
Every Mom to be needs to know everything about pregnancy so as to get rid of fears and myths related to first ever experience of an expecting Mom. This article tries to address all the anxieties of Moms to be.
Your Body and Investigations Recommended
Every Mom to be is anxious to know as to how her pregnancy will progress. Here is the Pregnancy Calender about the bodily changes and investigations recommended during first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy.First Trimester (Positive Pregnancy Test to 14th week)
(7th week): you may gain some weight or loose some weight due to nausea and breasts may become tenderer.
Baby – Development: Baby will be around 11 to 13.5 mm in length
Investigations: Hb, Urine, HIV Elisa, VDRL (for both husband and wife), HbsAg Elisa, Rubella IgG and IgM, Blood Sugar, Thyroid Profile, Ultrasound, Blood Group (for both husband and wife) Anti HCV and any other Test recommended by your Gynecologist.
(11th to 14th week): Morning sickness and urinary frequency will tend to ease. Due to hormonal changes expecting mothers may get upset with very soon.
Baby – Development: Baby will be around 43 to 61 mm in length with approx 8 to 8.5 gm of weight. Fingernails start appearing, neck and chin get prominent.
Investigations: Ultrasound – Double Marker, Early Morphology Scan.
Second Trimester (16th Week to 22nd Week)
(16th Week): Bump is visible and pigmentation (stretch marks over abdomen) increases.
Baby – Development: Baby will be around 107 to 117 mm in length with approx 75 to 85 gm of weight.
Investigations: Ultrasound – Triple and/or Quadruple Marker, Urine and Hb Test.
(19th to 22nd Week): Backache and other discomforts related to pregnancy. Liking for odd foods. Vaginal Discharge. Baby movement may be felt.
Baby – Development: Baby will be around 185 to 195 mm in length with around 350 gm of weight.
Investigations: Ultrasound – Anomaly Scan, Urine and Hb Test.
Third Trimester (27th Week to 40th Week)
(28th Week): back aches, prominent visible stretch marks on abdomen, heart burn and digestion problems, painless contractions, frequent headaches, pressure in pelvis.
Baby – Development: Baby will be around 250 mm in length with total length of around 350 mm and weighs around 2.3 to 2.5 pounds (1100 gm).
Investigations: Ultrasound – GCT growth scan, Urine and Hb Test.
(36th Week): Time left four weeks, Weight Gain around 10 to 15 Kg. as compared to your initial weight before conception. may feel tiredness, exhausted and lesser sleep.
Baby – Development: Baby will be around 335 mm in length with total length up to 450 mm and weight around 2700 to 2800 gm.
Investigations: Ultrasound – Well being of Baby and Color Doppler, Urine and Hb Test.
Precautions during pregnancy
Although there are lot of precautions to be observed during pregnancy but Mom to be must not ignore the advice of their gynecologist.
In addition to nutritious diet during pregnancy it is advisable to pay special attention to hygienic food habits during pregnancy and avoid foods which may be harmful to the development of the fetus. Foods to be avoided can be alcohol, and dietary supplements like vitamin A (retinol) found in some animal products such as liver and fish liver oils. Extreme intake of has been linked to birth defects and abnormalities. However, regular intake of retinol is not seen as dangerous. Pregnant women need to pay special so as to lessen the risk of food poisoning. To ensure this pregnant woman must reheat the ready-prepared meals thoroughly. Fruit and vegetables must be thoroughly washed by pregnant women so as to avoid bacteria to enter their body. Walking in early stages of pregnancy is recommended if otherwise not advises by the gynecologist. Weight lifting should be avoided. Junk foods need not be taken to keep obesity at bay. Balance and nutritious diet along with avoiding spicy foods is the mantra for normal pregnancy. Pregnant women also need to avoid watching violence, sex on live media and as far as possible must read or watch healthy content with positive thinking so as to create positiveness all around.
The Pregnancy calender is nice and has a lot of information to clear the doubts and fears including investigation to be got conducted. It would have been better if Post-natal care of the Baby for the first six months and vaccination chart could have been provided.