Fund your Bachelor's or Master's with Study in Sweden Scholarships

The governmental body Swedish Institute offers scholarships annually to international researchers and students coming to Sweden for a Bachelor's or Master's degree. Swedish universities also have their own scholarship programs. Indian students can apply for.

Sweden is a popular destination for international students pursuing higher studies abroad. Both the Swedish government and Swedish universities offer scholarships to help fund the education of Indians and other nationals in their country, to encourage cultural exchange and help build international relations.

Whether you are a Bachelor's or Master's student, you will find plenty of scholarships to fund your overseas education in Sweden and complement your student loans. Note that while the number of scholarships available at the Master's level is more than that for undergraduate courses, you will still find programs that fund your bachelor's studies at some universities.

Sweden Scholarships

Swedish Institute Study Scholarships

Typically around 400 Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (SISS) are offered each year to international students. The Swedish Institute is a government agency that offers awards for full-time master's level studies. It covers tuition and living costs at the rate of SEK 9,000 per month, along with a one-time travel grant of SEK 15,000 and health and accidental insurance.

To be eligible for these scholarships you have to fill in your master's application form to a university of your choice before the deadline of 15 January, and also pay the SEK 900 (~INR 7,300) university admissions application fee before February 1. The scholarship application dates are however different from university application dates, and they vary each year. For the 2016-2017 academic year application dates were between December 1 and January 22.

The SISS are aimed at developing global leaders, so the agency is looking for highly ambitious students with outstanding academic records, demonstrated leadership skills and a clear idea of how their education in Sweden will benefit their country. Priority is given to students whose area of interest is gender equality, human rights, sustainable development, poverty reduction and democracy. Applicants are required to have at least two years paid, unpaid or voluntary work experience in full-time or part-time capacities.

Checkout IndiaStudyChannel's comprehensive guide for Studying in Sweden which will help you find complete information on best universities, admission procedure, visa application process, fees and cost of living, etc.

University Scholarships in Sweden

Since the SISS is highly competitive, Indian students interested in studying in Sweden can also apply for university scholarships to help cover tuition and living costs. Scholarship amounts vary from one university to the next, as do application processes. Some of the universities that offer financial aid include:
It is useful to start out with an idea of the costs you can expect to incur during your overseas education in Sweden. Expect the following expenses:
  1. Application fee: SEK 900
  2. Tuition fees: between SEK 80,000 and 140,000 each year for most subjects
  3. Living expenses: about SEK 8,000 monthly
  4. Health insurance, student union fees (SEK 50 to 350 per semester) and textbooks (about SEK 750 per month on average)

The university scholarship applications typically start around August each year and deadline is typically March of the following year. Nearly 600 different programs are covered by these scholarships, of which around 120 are offered each year. There is no age limit to apply, but you should not have a permanent residence or work permit in Sweden, nor should you have lived in Sweden for two years before applying. You can typically apply for short to medium term courses of 1 to 2 year duration, or training officers going to Sweden for short to medium term courses.


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