Two kingdom classification and its shortcomings
In this article you will find details of the two kingdom classification and its shortcomings. You will also learn the importance of classification & the system of classification in this article.
All the organism on earth exhibit variations in term of their size, external features, internal features, physiological processes, adaptation to environment etc. Variations found in different organisms are called Diversity in life. It is not possible for a man to study all the plants and animals during his life time. Therefore, from the beginning of the human civilization, people felt the necessity for arranging then in different groups by studying not only external features but up to some extent their anatomy also. So by studying a single organism of that group we can form a general idea about the general and anatomical characters of all the members of the group. Importance of Classification
Classification of organisms is necessary to make their study easy. In addition to it, classification also makes following easy :Principles or System of classification
There are three main system of classification accepted by scientists:Two Kingdom classification
A Swedish biologist, Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) in the 10th edition of his book "systema naturae" published in 1758 classified all the organisms of the living world into two main kingdoms : Plantae (including all the plants) and Animalia (including all the animals).
According to the two system classification , the plants are defined as organisms that photosynthesize and do not exhibit locomotion while animals are organisms that exhibit heterotrophic nutrition as well as locomotion.
So, In two kingdom classification all the animals and plants are divided into two main groups:Shortcomings of two kingdom classification
Two Kingdoms classification has many shortcomings. Some are as follows:
Two kingdoms classification was an artificial system of classification. This division was based only on morphological appearance. So, two kingdom classification was rejected by the scientist. The most accepted classification is five kingdom classification proposed by R.H. Whittaker.