How to submit online FIR in police station of your city?
Have you lost your mobile? Is your passport, certificate, driving license or any other important document been misplaced? Looking for the information to lodge FIR online? Read this article to learn a sample format of an FIR.
Life is getting hectic day by day and we hardly find time to do any extra but extremely important tasks. Like, if you have misplaced your important certificates or documents while traveling in bus/ metro or you lost your mobile while doing shopping in a busy market. In such a case, you need to submit FIR with your local police at the nearest police station. But your busy schedule may not allow you to visit there personally. And filing an online FIR is an easy solution to this problem. You can submit online FIR for reporting lost/ misplaced mobile, laptop, digital camera, driving license, passport, voter ID card, Aadhar card, school/ college/ university certificates, bank papers like FD, Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), property papers, admit card, PAN card, etc.
Sample email format to submit online FIR
Many states have dedicated and hassle-free websites where you can submit your complaint online. Like, for Delhi, you can submit a police report for lost documents/ mobiles/ laptop/ iPad at Similarly, you can lodge a complaint with Mumbai police at As I said earlier, almost all states have hassle-free websites where you can lodge your complaint online by submitting a simple form. If you are unable to find the link of your state's police station to file a complaint, please submit a response below. I shall provide you the link (if available).
In the 'Subject line'- Complaint of my lost mobile
Sample email format-
Respected Sir,
I have misplaced my mobile (mention Model No. and IMEI No.) of golden color in Model Town Market (mention name of area/ location where you suspect your item is lost) on 09-09-2018. My mobile no. is 98xxxxxxxx. Kindly register my FIR in this concern.
Thanking you.
Sample email format to submit FIR for lost documents: Though it is better and advisable to use the website of a local police department to lodge any such complaint, here I am providing you email format if no such website or link is available at police website of your state.
In the 'Subject line'- Complaint of my lost RC book (mention the name of the document which is misplaced. Write 'Complaint of my lost Passport' if you have misplaced your passport)
Sample email format-
Respected Sir,
I have misplaced the registration certificate of my car (mention Model No. and RC No.) of white color in Model Town Market (mention name of area/ location where you suspect your item is lost) on 09-09-2018. My mobile no. is 98xxxxxxxx. Kindly register my FIR in this concern. I have attached a Xerox copy of RC and my Aadhar Card.
Thanking you.
Note: It is better if you attach Photostat copy of your lost document and your Aadhar card for quick verification.
Advanced technology and hassle-free websites of police departments also allow you to view the copy of your submitted FIR (either online or offline).
Please note that online FIR cannot be submitted in case of cognizable crime. (In simple terms, cognizable crimes are those which are serious in nature like murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery, etc.). You need to visit your nearest police station to submit FIR of any cognizable offense. Online FIR can be submitted only in case of non-cognizable offense.