How to crack RRB JE, CMA, DMS 2019 exam with online sample papers and study material

Eager to get a job in Indian Railways? Have you applied for the post of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent or Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant through the in RRB Centralised Employment Notice of 2018? Then read this article and get complete information to get a chance to be selected in this railway vacancy.

Railway Recruitment Board has recently issued the centralised employment notice CEN 03/2018 for filling various posts. Career openings are available for the post of Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology) Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA). You can apply at any of the these Railway Recruitment Boards - Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Allahabad, Siliguri, Secunderabad, Ranchi, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Jammu Srinagar (Kashmir), Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna and Muzaffarpur.

Who can apply

Candidates aging 18-33 years (as on 01-01-2019) and having minimum educational qualification as mentioned below can apply. Please note that candidates in last year/ semester or those waiting for final result are not eligible to apply. Candidates with higher qualifications such as B.E/ B.Tech can also apply in lieu of 03 years Diploma in Engineering in the same discipline. Minimum qualification required is-

For Junior Engineering: Diploma/Engineering in Engineering in relevant disciplines from recognized board/ university/ institute.

For Depot Material Superintendent: Diploma/Engineering in Engineering from any discipline.

For Junior Engineer (Information Technology) : PGDCA/B.Sc. (Computer Science)/ BCA/ B.Tech. (Information Technology)/ B.Tech. (Computer Science)/ DOEACC 'B' Level course of 03 years duration or equivalent from recognized university/ institute.

Selection Process and Exam Pattern

Selection procedure will be carried out in three stages.
Stage 1- Computer Based Test (CBT)
Stage 2- Computer Based Test (CBT)
Stage 3- Document Verification/ Medical Examination (whichever applicable)

Selection will be made strictly on merit basis. In other words, selection will be made on the basis of marks scored in CBT. Duration of the first stage of CBT will be of 90 minutes. There will be total 100 questions (objective type with multiple choices) of 100 marks in 1st stage CBT. This test will be of screening nature. The question paper will be according to the level of educational standards and/or minimum technical qualifications for the respective post.

Candidates who will be shortlisted in the first stage of CBT will proceed for 2nd stage of CBT. This stage will be of 02 hours. There will be 150 objective type MCQs of total 150 marks. A virtual calculator will be made available on the computer monitor in this stage.

Please note that there will be negative marking for each wrong answer at both levels. 1/3rd of the marks allotted to such question will be deducted for each wrong answer. So you need to answer very carefully.

RRB jobs

Subjects name and number of questions in 1st stage CBT:
Mathematics- 30 marks
(Number systems, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM and HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern).
General Intelligence & Reasoning- 25 marks
(Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making)
General Awareness- 15 marks
(Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Politics and constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Sports, General scientific and technological developments etc.)
General Science- 30 marks
Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences (up to 10th Standard CBSE syllabus).

Subjects name and number of questions in 2nd stage CBT:
General Awareness- 15 marks
(Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Politi and constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Sports, General scientific and technological developments etc.)
Physics & Chemistry- 15 marks
(Up to 10th standard CBSE syllabus.)
Basics of Computers and Applications- 10 marks
(Architecture of Computers; input and Output devices; Storage devices, Networking, Operating System like Windows, Unix, Linux; MS Office; Various data representation; Internet and Email; Websites & Web Browsers; Computer Virus.)
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control- 10 marks
(Basics of Environment; Adverse effect of environmental pollution and control strategies; Air, water and Noise pollution, their effect and control; Waste Management, Global warming; Acid rain; Ozone depletion.)

Get sample papers and study material online

You can get complete study material on this educational portal. Kindly browse through previous year question papers and check your performance through Indian Railway Recruitment Board Exam practice test. All the best.

Article by Nidhi
Nidhi is a freelance content writer with 10+ years of experience. She has a great passion to write on valuable topics so as to provide precise information to her readers.

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