How to calculate normalised marks and merit index for railway jobs
Have you appeared for railway recruitment exams? You should know the methods used by the department for shortlisting candidates. Read this article to know the difference between raw marks and normalized marks. Also, know the formulas to calculate normalized marks and merit index.
As we all know, RRB centralized employment notice CEN 03/2018 is out. Only lucky ones get the opportunity to get selected in Indian railway recruitment openings. Vacancies for the post of Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology) Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) are to be filled at various RRBs across India, namely Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Allahabad, Siliguri, Secunderabad, Ranchi, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Jammu Srinagar (Kashmir), Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna and Muzaffarpur. Know how to crack RRB JE, CMA, DMS 2019 exam with online sample papers and study material from here.
Selection will be made on the basis of Computer Based Test (CBT) Stage 1, Computer Based Test (CBT) Stage 2 and Document Verification/ Medical Examination (whichever applicable). Candidates will be shortlisted and selected on the basis of merit or marks obtained at stage 1 and stage 2 CBT. For this purpose, normalized marks are calculated from raw marks. Here is detailed procedure to calculate it.
How to calculate normalized marks from raw marks
Papers are conducted in multi-session in 1st stage CBT and some exam groups of 2nd stage CBT. For this purpose, an appropriate normalization is applied to manage any variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers across different sessions. Calculation of normalized marks is done as mentioned below:
Now I want to explain above provided formula/ method. j stands for a candidate and i stands for the session.
Mij stands for actual marks obtained by that candidate in that session.
Mgt stands for average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates considering all sessions.
Mgq stands for the sum of mean and standard deviation marks of the candidates in the exam considering all sessions.
Mti denotes average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates in the ith session. In case session strength is less than 1000, then marks of topper are used here.
Miq stands for the sum of the mean marks and standard deviation of that session.
Not only this, merit index is also computed. As we know, papers are conducted in different exam groups. Thus, merit index is calculated to generate a common merit list consisting of candidates eligible for a common post. Merit index is computed using normalized marks for papers held in multi-sessions. For papers held in a single session, actual marks obtained are used to calculate merit index. How to calculate merit index for all exams
Merit Index means relative score of a candidate within the discipline. Calculation of the merit index is done with the help of the following method:
Here, M stands for the marks obtained by the candidate (actual marks/normalized marks, as applicable).
Mq stands for qualifying marks for the candidate of general category in the exam.
Mt stands for mean marks of top 0.1% or top 10 (whichever is higher) of all the candidates who appeared in that paper (including all sessions in case of multi-session exam).
Sq stands for 350 is the score assigned to Mq.
St stands for 900 is the score assigned to Mt.
Please note that qualifying marks for the general category is 40.