How to get Amul franchisee online and open Amul parlor in your city
Are you willing to start milk business in India? Want to know that which is most profitable milk business or franchisee in India? Some of the most popular milk companies in our country are Mother Diary, Amul, Verka, Amulya, Nandini, APDDCF, OMFED, etc. Lets collect detailed information on Amul distributorship.
Milk business is forever. Many new local vendors are now into the market to give hard competition. But milk products of certain companies like Mother Dairy, Amul, Verka, Amulya, Nandini, APDDCF, OMFED, etc. are always in demand. This article explains about revenue and expenses involved in Amul distributorship.
Anand Milk Union Limited or Amul was started in the year 1946 to stop the exploitation of marginal milk producers. It is a cooperative brand managed by a cooperative body, the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF). Amul gave a boost to India's white revolution under the leadership of Tribhuvandas Patel under the guidance of Sardar Patel. Hence if you are planning to take the distributorship of this 'white revolution' company, then it is surely a great idea.
Is Amul franchisee profitable?
The first question in your mind must be that how much you can earn by opening an Amul Preferred Outlet (APO), Scooping Parlour or Amul Parlor. According to the company, a person can recover his basic investments within one year provided that the shop is opened at a good location and right business practices are followed by the person-in-charge. Below is the chart to help you understand the amount of profit you can earn with the company.
This chart clearly depicts that there is a margin of 10% on dairy products and 20% on ice creams. Quite Attractive! Requirements and Eligibility criteria to open APO, Scooping Parlour and Amul Parlor
Profit margin in this business might have attracted you a lot. Let's read about the minimum requirements also.
To open Amul Parlor: Having this distributorship makes you a wholesale dealer of the company. Hence you can sell a complete range of Amul products like milk, curd, cheese, butter, chocolates, ghee, fresh cream, flavored milk, buttermilk, ice-cream, frozen items, etc.
To open Amul Preferred Outlet (APO): The entire range is supplied to APO also. Moreover, a subsidy is also offered on all equipment and branding. The extended benefit is that you don't have to pay any royalty or share your profits. Additional purchase discount and special consumer offers are also provided to APO.
To open Scooping Parlour: To start Amul Ice-cream parlor, you need to fulfill the `following requirements-
Apart from this, sundae recipes are also provided by the company
To open Amul Parlor at a railway station and CoE: You can also run the parlor at a railway station and Centre of Excellence but they are created only after getting allotment from the respective authority. Such venues serve as a good business platform. The entire range is supplied to such parlors. Moreover, a subsidy is also offered on all equipment and branding.How to apply online at Amul website?
You can apply via email for APO. Email ID is OR you can try filling online application form at