Which type of pads is best for air coolers- Honey Comb or Aspen Wood Wool?

Are you confused that which cooling pads are best for your air cooler? Let us read this article to decide that whether you should choose honeycomb or aspen (grass).

Summers bring a big challenge for most of the regions of the Indian subcontinent. However, air conditioners are quite famous in most of the Indian families but they are expensive too. Moreover, they are not environment-friendly as they consume huge power, thus hiking up your electricity bills too. On the other hand, air coolers are affordable for a middle-class family and they don't increase your electricity bills as A.C. do.

Cooling pads in air coolers play a vital role in cooling. The responsibility to cool down the hot air lies with these pads only. Hot air passes through these pads. When we switch on the cooler, the pads get wet and transfer the coldness of water absorbed into them inside the air, which is circulated immediately out in the room through fan.

Honey comb or wood wool- which should I choose?

To answer these questions, it is better to know more about these pads.

Honeycomb cooling pads- These pads resemble a honeycomb, hence they are named as 'Honeycomb cooling pads'. These special filters are made up of well-engineered thick cellulose paper and are very effective for air cooling. Its material is specially treated with a chemical to resist deterioration for years. Though these are expensive than normal traditional grass used since ages, honeycomb pads require very less maintenance and cleaning, thus making them cost-effective in the long run. You need not change them every year, unlike aspen grass. Most of the high end branded air coolers use these pads. You can count Symphony Ice Cube 6.5/8.5 kg, 105 Watts Air Cooler, Symphony Diet 50i 50-Litre Air Cooler with Remote, Crompton Marvel PAC201 20-Litre Evaporative Air Personal Cooler, Bajaj Glacier DC2016 67-Litre Room Cooler, Bajaj Torque PX97 36-Litre Room Cooler and many such highly effective coolers here.

Honey Comb vs. Aspen Wood Wool

Aspen wood wool cooling pads- These are made up of wood shavings and synthetic fiber and are often termed as ghaas (grass) in local language as these look like dry grass. These pads are not expensive and very pocket-friendly for the low-income group also. But they are poor in durability and need high maintenance and are required to be changed every year on the onset of the summer season.

Which is better?: If you are able to do good maintenance at regular intervals, then it's better to go for Aspen wood wool cooling pads. This option is also advisable if your air cooler is placed outdoor as then it will catch more dust. However, if your air cooler placed indoor or under a roof within four walls, then you can opt Honeycomb cooling pads. Though they are expensive as compared to the former one, its other advantages make it cost efficient in the long term. Moreover, they provide better cooling than wood wool pads.

Article by Nidhi
Nidhi is a freelance content writer with 10+ years of experience. She has a great passion to write on valuable topics so as to provide precise information to her readers.

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