5 ways to improve concentration and focus in studies

Studies are essential in our life for making a career for livelihood and self growth. For good results in the examination, it is imperative that we should study well. This article details as how to increase our concentration and focus in studies to get best results.


Education is a very important aspect of our life. It imparts knowledge and learning in us. Acquiring academic qualifications is a part of the process of education and once the requisite degrees are obtained one has to go for making a career either by joining a job or starting one's own business or service. Many educational degrees enable us to work in our ways while there are many after which we depend on organisations and companies for want of a job in them. In any case, our educational achievements are a path to our careers in our lives. Students who are good in studies generally fare well in examinations and make a better career in their life. Regular and sustained studies are the sure-shot ways of getting success in the examinations and that is the path to the greater heights in one's career.

Challenges in the life of a student

A student indeed has to study seriously to achieve the objectives in his or her life but there are many challenges in the life of the student. There is a large and voluminous syllabus that the student is supposed to study within the time frame of the educational course that the student is pursuing. Whatever course the student is undergoing there will be many students attending that and for a student to come on the top in that lot is a difficult task. Then, there are many study streams out of which the student has to select a branch where there are good job opportunities and prospects once the course is completed. Another important thing is the job opportunity. There are a limited number of jobs in the market and a large number of qualified people are coming out of the educational institutes every year and there is no match between the number of jobs and number of qualified people being churned out from the universities and colleges.

Ways to improve concentration and focus in studies

In such a difficult situation it is imperative that the student has to take up the studies not only seriously but also prepare the strategy of completing it and getting through the exams with flying colours. Concentration and focus in our studies are the primary requisite and no student can fare well in the absence of these crucial things. So, some of the important and effective tips in this regard are as follows.

  • Assess the scope of studies : The first thing after joining a course whether a 2 years program or 4 years integrated program, one has to go through the details of the syllabus prescribed for the course. This will give an idea as to how much material we have to complete in that time frame. There are some hidden things other than the syllabus. For example, you might have to appear for a competitive exam just after finishing your course. There you would be supposed to answer some general aptitude type of questions which might be beyond the existing syllabus but are important for qualifying in those competitive exams. It is a futuristic thing but the preparations are required to be done from day one. So it makes sense to include them to be studied may be occasionally but surely.
  • Make a schedule of the studies: This is another important aspect and many students do mistakes here by studying haphazardly and leave many things aside and thinking that they would cover it later before the exams. A clear and strict schedule is required for the studies and a basic time table is a must for keeping the studies alive. If one misses a few hours of time table on a particular day the efforts should be made to compensate it on other following days. Remember, each hour is as crucial as the earlier one. These time slots do not wait for us and they are consumed very fast with time.
  • Jot down the salient points of your studies: Exhaustive and elaborate notes take a lot of time in preparations so, I would suggest to jot down the salient points of the studies and keep all the elaborations of those points in the mind. One can keep these jotted points in small slips in the pocket or purse and revise them at any opportune time on the go.
  • Revise but do not cram: Do not feel shy or lazy in revising things. Revision is the best thing for understanding a difficult matter. Cramming will not help as any roundabout question will waste our cramming efforts. We should not use the mind as ordinary storage but use its analytical and logical powers for understanding the things however difficult they might be.
  • Bring discipline in your life: Finally, discipline is the most vital attribute in our life and is a great success mantra and many successful people are there today because of the high degree of discipline in their lives. Adhere to schedules and timings. Do hard work but also give the body some periodic rests. Time is the essence of everything and only disciplined people can use it effectively in their lives.


Students have to study hard for getting success in their examinations and if they properly study with utmost seriousness there is no reason why they would not be successful in charting out a good career line. Concentration and focus are the basic attributes which are required to be adopted by the students during their studies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What if I am not able to concentrate in my studies?
The distraction is an evil force in our lives and we have to manage and tame this evil with the best of efforts. Yoga and meditation are said to be a successful means to address this problem. Always think of your goals in life and have the determination to achieve them and that would, to a great degree, help in focussing in studies.
Q2: I have focus and concentration for my hobbies but not for studies. What should I do?
You are not alone in this matter as many people face this problem. Please note that some minimum education is required to survive in this world and after that, you are free to choose a career path which satisfies your hobbies as well as generate a livelihood for you. There are many examples where people dropped out of school and made fabulous and successful careers in the line of their interest.


Author: Venkiteswaran26 May 2020 Member Level: Gold   Points : 5

While many tips are given in this article on ways to improve concentration and focus in studies, the student should keep it in mind that distraction is the main enemy of concentration. Hence the main way to get concentration is to avoid distraction from studies.

The student should choose, as far as possible, a place and time when there will be the least distraction. The traditional old wisdom guidelines say a couple of hours before sunrise is the most suited time for studying. The atmosphere is calm and cool which help easy concentration and comprehension. Whatever is studied at that time gets recorded well in memory. It is better to follow our time tested guidelines in this regard- Early to bed and early to rise. Students should follow the healthy habits of food and sleep.

Similarly, there are traditional food habits that help to have a well-nutritioned body and calm and stable mind which aids concentration and focus. Students also need to have physical and mental strength-giving activities.
Students should not leave but should repeat and revise whatever learnt to keep the same refreshed to recall when needed.

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