How and when to drink water to boost your health with immunity.
All of us do drink water throughout the day regularly. Some drink hot or cold water. A systematic method of consuming water helps us to boost our health, improve our immune system to fight against contaminated diseases. Here are the tips to be considered while drinking water on a routine basis.
Water is an essential element for plants, animals and human beings. Almost all contaminated diseases can be controlled by drinking pure water. The absorption levels of medicine are high when water is consumed in required quantities at regular intervals of time. A normal human being has to drink atleast 2-3 litres of water everyday to prevent dehydration and help in proper functioning of the digestive system. Consumption of water also depends on your body weight.
Let us check how should we consume water during :
. Morning
As soon as you get up in the morning, drink the first glass of luke warm water sip by sip relishing it, just like your favourite coffee or juice. Do not brush your teeth before drinking water. This act will take in all the saliva to your stomach helping in metabolism. This saliva which is generated during the night is a good medicine for the body and when it enters the stomach with water, it helps in excretion of waste from your body, quickly making you fresh for the new day. Drink coffee or tea after half-an-hour only. Do not drink water in between the breakfast. Eat only a light breakfast in the morning to keep you lively. Drink the second glass of luke warm water 30 minutes after break fast. Take another round after every half an hour according to your schedule before lunch time, hence fourth glass of water will be considered during this interval, also spare time to move around atleast for fifteen minutes.Afternoon
Drink the fifth glass of luke warm water before 30 minutes of your lunch break. Do not drink water in the middle of eating food unless otherwise there is a food choke in throat. After your lunch, just consume a sip or two to gargle your mouth. Drink the sixth glass of water a bit hotter than the luke warm water. This will help in digestion of food. Take a stroll in between your lunch and snacks time. Do not use the old plastic water bottles which you purchased from shops. It is better to have a steel water bottle.Evening
Now consume the seventh glass as soon as you are back home, Note that you have drink luke warm water and sip by sip before coffee or tea with light snacks. Relax for 10 minutes and move around your house enabling you to sum up your day.Night
It's just like morning schedules, drink the eighth glass of water half-an-hour before dinner. Always chew and relish your food properly. Keep it in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. Take two sips to gargle your mouth. Drink the ninth glass of water 30 minutes before going to bed. Sleep well alteast for 6-7 hours to start a refreshing day. Do not drink water in between your sleep time unless otherwise you are thirsty else may disturb the sleep completely.Conclusion
Following the above procedures regularly over a period of time, keeps you healthy and fit and the medicinal values of drinking water will have an impact on boosting the immunity.
Note: The measurement of water should be between 200 -250 ml. You should also drink water whenever you are thirsty but drink sip by sip. The half-an-hour gap is mentioned only for the procedure to be followed but during summer your body requires more water hence keep a check on it.
It is said that one must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Drinking sufficient amount of water keeps the metabolism of the body proper which helps in your digestion properly. According to Ayurveda, water should always be sipped. This is necessary so that it reaches the body according to the body temperature. From getting up in the morning to sleeping at night, there are some rules for drinking water which are necessary for staying healthy. Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning removes problems related to skin, liver, kidney, and eyes.