JEE Mains Preparation Tips - A Study Plan to Crack JEE Mains

Are you preparing for the upcoming JEE Main exams? here are some great tips to crack the JEE Exam and get into one of the IITs or NITs in India.

The Joint Entrance Examination- Mains, more often referred to as the JEE Mains, is an entrance test held by the National Testing Agency of India. This test is taken up by students who aim to pursue an Under-graduation in Bachelors of Engineering from the IITs (Indian Institute of Technology), NITs (National Institute of Technology) and GFTIs (Government Funded Technical Institutes). 

JEE Mains is also the qualifying test to undertake JEE Advance, the exam that qualifies the student for any of the IITs. The examination is usually conducted in two batches, in January and April, but the April batch has been postponed to the end of May this year. Students appearing for the examination must fulfill the eligibility criteria of JEE Mains. Candidates must have finished their 10+2 in the year 2018 or 2019, however, students appearing for their 12th board examination in 2020 can also appear for JEE Mains 2020. 

There is no age limit, but the year of passing the 12th board matters. Students are granted 3 attempts at the exam. The candidate must be of Indian Nationality, NRI, OCI or PIO; the latter three having to provide category certificates. They must pass at least 5 or more subjects in their 12th, with Physics, Chemistry, and Maths as the core subjects along with Language or any other subject. Students who have opted for only 4 subjects will not be able to take the test. 

There are no minimum marks to be obtained in 12th grade to allow one to take the exam. For admissions, however, in IIT, NIT or GFTI, one must score at least 75% in the boards or rank the top 20 percentile in the qualifying exams. Any valid government proof including Aadhar Card, Passport or Ration Card number can be used while filling the form.

After going through the criteria, apply for the exam on the JEE Main website. Make sure to thoroughly go through the list of documents required and check if you require or lack any important documents, without which you will not be allowed to appear for the test.

How do you prepare for JEE Mains, 2020? 

Now that the formalities are dealt with, let's get into the crux of the exam itself. So, how do you prepare for JEE Mains, 2020? 

Be Sure with the Syllabus

Chances are if you plan to appear for the exam, you have already started preparations or have the basic knowledge at least of what you have to cover. There are multiple sources to help you prepare- from coaching centers, online videos, and even online tutors. Self-study is also a valid option and depending on your capability to understand, you can choose the most viable option to help you study. 

Study Old Papers to get an Idea

The question paper pattern needs to be looked into. The exam is divided into Paper 1 and Paper 2, each running 3 hours. Paper 1 consists of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, with 70 questions totally carrying 300 marks. Paper 2 consists of Drawing, Mathematics, and Aptitude with 77 questions carrying 400 marks. Both papers are online papers, with negative marking involved. For every right answer, you will be awarded 4 marks and every wrong answer is marked as -1 (Total marks= (correct answers * 4) multiplied by (wrong answers *-1)).

Gather Your Materials

Next, it is important to gather your materials. Around 30-40% of the questions appear from the NCERT syllabus, so it is important that you concentrate on what you're learning in your 11th and 12th grade. Apart from this, there are multiple books and guides that you can refer to. Make a complete analysis before purchasing or investing time in a particular guide, making sure it is a reliable and prescribed source. Don't stray away from prescribed sources as they might lose you marks. 

A few suggested books for each subject are

For Physics: Concepts of Physics- I and II by H.C Verma, Practice Book Physics for JEE Main and Advanced by D.C Pandey, Physics for JEE (Main and Advanced)-Vol 1 and 2 by Resnick, Halliday, Walker, etc. For Chemistry:  Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by R.C Mukherjee, Concepts of Organic Chemistry by O.P Tandon, Organic Chemistry by Robert T. Morrison and Robert N. Boyd, etc. For mathematics: IIT Mathematics by M.L. Khanna, Mathematics for Class 11 and 12 by R.D Sharma, Degree level Differential Calculus by A Das Gupta. 

Make a Day Plan and Study Accordingly

The earlier you start preparation, the better it is for you. But if you are slow to join the race, don't include a rigorous study schedule. Create a schedule to optimize understanding and retaining the subject information, rather than planning long and scrutinous hours of cramming the syllabus. Draw up your goals on a daily and weekly basis and make sure you are able to see them through. Stick to the schedule you have made and pay attention to the cause if you aren't able to achieve your goals.

Understand the Concept

Every section of the paper carries equal weight, so make sure you pay enough attention to all the subjects. Pay closer heed to the subjects that you need more time to go through. Remember that to prepare for JEE Mains, 2020, you must keep in mind the competition. As thousands of students appear every year, from all over the nation, you must seek the upper hand. Understanding concepts thoroughly will put you ahead of most of your peers.

Study the syllabus chapter wise, to give you a clear flow of the portions. Don't underestimate the basics. Write and practice equations, reactions, formulas and so one over and over again. Analyze previous year question papers. Figure out which topics carry more weight in a subject over the others. 

Few Important topics from each subject according to previous question papers:

 For Physics, pay close attention to Electromagnetism, Rotation, Magnetism, SHM, Modern Physics, Current electricity, Newton's laws of motion, Oscillation and sound, Heat and Thermodynamics. For Chemistry, look into Gaseous state, Chemical kinetics, General organic chemistry, Reactions of benzene, Ores and metallurgy, Qualitative analysis. For Maths, working on 

Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytical geometry, Differential calculus, Integral calculus, vectors a little more can help. Of course, you must not stick only to these topics if you hope for a good score, however, spending a little more time on these could potentially aid you.

Take Regular Mock Test

Practice what you have studied by taking up mock tests and answering the questions in your books after every chapter. The JEE Main Mock Test will act as your best friend in terms of understanding the layout of the paper and help you improve your speed, accuracy, and approach to solving the paper. They can also help you with maintaining calm and tackling twisted or complex questions. Mock tests are also vital for preparing for the aptitude part of JEE Mains, as it is application based. There is no fixed syllabus, and you must apply what you have learned. That is why a combination of proper understanding of the topics and practice is the only way to secure a good score in this section. 

Write down flashcards or notes while studying 

Remember to move on to the next topic after completing the previous ones thoroughly. Use these notes to help you revise once you have finished studying to save you the time and trouble of going through the entire portion again.

Take Break In Between

Make sure to give yourself strategic breaks to loosen your mind and body, but make sure you aren't fuelling any destructive habits during this time, as they might, in turn, bleed into your studying time. Use the breaks effectively with activities like exercise, meditation or even power naps. 

Get Tips from Seniors or Peers

Evaluate your progress and stay truthful to yourself. See which areas you have to spend more time on and which areas are too complicated for you. Never feel reluctant to ask a peer or a teacher to explain a tricky topic. It's never really a bad time to ask for help. 

Motive Yourself

No matter what you study, only what you absorb will be of use to you. Don't panic or lose control of the situation, instead motivate yourself to approach your problems from a different angle if you aren't able to solve it. Don't be harsh on yourself and take a break if you cannot study any further.

Maintain Healthy Diet 

Stick to healthy sleep and dietary schedule, making sure you don't over or under-do either. Stay away from foods that might make you full when you are studying, and snack on healthy items such as dry fruits, fruits and so on. Avoid foods that could make you sick and try not to stress eat as that can do more damage than good.

Final Words

With the examination approaching shortly, following these steps on how to prepare for the JEE Mains,2020 could give you the edge that you need to come out flying. Study, Practice and Revise; if this is your motto, you are assured to succeed.



Author: Umesh29 Apr 2020 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 8

This is an exhaustive and excellent article by the author giving all the details about JEE entrance exam.

A large number of students are appearing in JEE and it is natural that the competition is quite tough. The preparation for such a coveted examination should start well ahead in time preferably when he or she takes admission in class XI in and has made up his mind to appear in this engineering entrance test. The coverage of the questions in JEE is from a big syllabus and so a timely preparation matters much.

Another important thing in this reference is that no two students would have same retention and memory power and also their intelligence would differ significantly with each other and in that case, their efforts for this exam would be entirely different. On the one side, one of them might qualify it with 5 hours of hard work daily, while the other student may require 8 hours. I am telling this point so emphatically from my personal experience because it has happened in my own case. I do not know whether I was dull in respect of them in terms of intelligence or having lower memory strength, but whatever the reason was I had to do that extra labour. So, one has to do the hard work as per one's own capabilities and capacities and never compare with others that if such and such is able to do it in a less time why one should not.

In today's world, the success mantra to qualify in any exam is the sustained hard work and there is no substitute for hard work.

Author: Sheo Shankar Jha30 Apr 2020 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 7

Though the cracking of IIT mains requires the dedicated approach of the aspirants there are certain basics which, if followed religiously, can produce miraculous effects. While preparing for this competitive examination, the aspirants need to allocate an equal amount of time for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. A few tips suggested below may be implemented apart from the suggestions of the authors.

1) While preparing for Chemistry for the IIT mains, go through the NCERTbooks recommended in CBSE. The basics of the subjects are clearly to be understood and in case of doubts, get the same clarified by the competent teachers of the subject.

2) You have to understand the patterns being followed in IIT main test. For each of the group, there will be 30 questions each carrying 4 marks and hence in each group, the maximum allotted mark is 120. In case of a wrong answer, you will be rewarded minus one mark for each wrong answer. Hence the aspirants should be careful while ticking the options available in the form of A, B, C and D. Attempting 20 questions correctly in each group would be sufficient to make a good ranking in the IIT mains.

3) In terms of preparing of Mathematics, the treatise of ML Khanna is the best providing you with sound fundamentals in the subject. Moreover, there is the vast coverage of the solved questions in each chapter helping you understand the different tricks employed while solving the questions.

4) Don't get guided by a number of books in each subject. Excess reference of such books will kill your time and may also confuse you.

5) Negativity must not set in while preparing for this competitive test.

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