How to register with NAD (National Academic Depository) through Aadhaar Card
Do you know you can link your UIDAI Aadhaar card with your educational degree certificates on the National Academic Depository or NAD? Learn why you should link Aadhaar with your degree certificates, and how you can do that by registering with NAD through NDML (NDSL Database Management Limited).
The National Academic Depository or NAD is an initiative by the Government of India to provide the educational institutions as well as the students with an online database for storing degrees and awards of pupils digitally. It is managed by NSDL Database Management Limited appointed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India (MHRD). While Academic Institutions (referred to as AI by the NAD) can upload and store the digital awards and certificates in the database, individual students themselves can store digital copies of their degree certificates in the National Academic Depository by using their Aadhaar number. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail what are the benefits of digitally storing your degree certificates with NAD, how to register with NAD and link Aadhaar with your degree certificates, and some frequently asked questions.Why should you store your degree certificates in NAD?
The National Academic Depository was started with an aim to curb corruption in the education sector so that the crimes related to forgery of academic documents may be reduced, if not eliminated. The goal was to provide the students with a single digital database where they can store all their academic records in electronic form. There are several benefits of storing your degree certificates and awards with NAD. First of all, since it is a digital database, there is no risk of losing or damaging your physical certificate. Sometimes, we have seen that because of natural calamities physical certificates get spoiled or destroyed. If you store your awards and certificates with NAD, that risk can be eliminated altogether. You can also access them anytime and anywhere. The digital database is also beneficial for your employers because they can quickly verify your documents, and there is no risk of counterfeit certificates. In fact, these are only some of the advantages – there are several other benefits of digital certificates at NAD.
Please note that there are two depositories of the NAD. One is the NSDL Database Management Limited or NDML, and the other one is CDSL Ventures Limited or CVL. Here is this article, we are going to show you how to register for NAD using Aadhaar through the NDML website.Step by step guide to register for NAD using Aadhaar through NDML
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I register with NAD if my current mobile number is not linked with Aadhaar?
To register with NAD, you need a mobile number which is linked to Aadhaar. If you have Aadhaar number but it is not linked to your current mobile number, you should visit your nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Center to update your mobile number in your Aadhaar record.How can I register with NAD if I am unable to enroll for Aadhaar or update the mobile number?
If applying for a new Aadhaar card or updating your current mobile number in your Aadhaar records is not possible, then you should register with NAD by clicking the "Without Aadhaar" option. In this process, you will be given a unique NAD ID. The ID needs to be verified by your academic institution (AI)which must already be registered with NAD.How do I know whether my Academic Institution is registered with NAD or not?
Both the official website of NAD as well as the official websites of the depositories (NDML and CVL) maintain a complete list of all registered Academic Institutions. You can check out that list and find out whether your institution is participating in the National Academic Depository or not.Can I switch between the depositories after registration?
Yes, you can shift or switch between the two depositories of NAD, namely NDML and CVL. Your data will be transferred from one depository to another.Can I update my Aadhaar number if already registered with NAD ID?
Yes, you can seed your Aadhaar number to your NAD portal even if you have registered with a NAD ID earlier.