Call for Proposals by Indo-Korea Joint Network Centre
Are you interested in research? The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India and Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea are inviting research proposals in the field of Biotechnology through Joint Network Centre. Eligible and interested candidates can submit their proposal. Read this article to know the full details of the programme.
About JNC
The Joint Network Centre (JNC) is a joint network to carry out research activity by involving Indian and Korean scientists from various institutes and laboratories. This programme facilitates scientists to carry out joint research by taking facilities already available like infrastructure, equipment and funding with the partners on both sides. The main aim of the JNC is to support the implementation of the joint project for research on the thematic area through joint networking. There are lots of chances for the integration of research with that of education by the Network Centre. The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India and Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea are inviting research proposals for" Artificial Intelligence utilization in the field of Biotechnology" as a part of this Joint Network Centre. Perspective Areas
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India along with the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT)of the Republic of Korea are inviting Indian and Korean research groups to submit proposals for Joint Network Centre in "Artificial Intelligence utilization in the field of Biotechnology".Activities of the JNC
Following activities are undertaken under the programme:Eligibility Criteria
Needs of Programme
Availability of Support for Joint Project
Duration of Support: Funding to each selected JNC will be provided for three years.
Continuation of Funding: An annual evaluation will be done by each country for the continuation of funding. Only one Network Centre per research area will be selected for funding.
Funding Support: Expenditure incurred in the project would be borne by the respective country, i.e., for Indian side DBT would support expenditure whereas MSIT would meet the expenditure of the Korean side.
Funding Details: Tentative funding amount for each Network Centre on the Korean side, MSIT's would be approximately 60,000,000 won per year.
On the Indian side of JNC, DBT will provide funding support to Focal Coordinating Indian Institute. Other Indian nodes of the JNC will receive funding through the Focal Indian Institute of the JNC. DBT will provide the following support to each JNC: How to Prepare and Submit a Proposal
To prepare a proposal for submission, there must be submitted a common application from Korean and Indian Focal Coordinator. This common application is to be submitted to both DBT and NRF. Language of the common application must be English only. Collection of all the information either technical or financial required for the proposal writing will be the whole responsibility of the Focal coordinator.
For Indian Applicants:
The interested Indian applicants can apply for funding by submitting their proposal and all relevant information to Dr Garima Gupta, Scientist E, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India at her Email ID:
Please note that the complete information is to be sent in a single PDF file only. Format of application is available at the website of DBT, India and can be downloaded from there.
Applicant must send hard copies in triplicate to DBT by the last date of application submission i.e. May 29, 2020 till 6:00
P.M. through proper channel.
For Korean applicants:
A separate application form written in the Korean language is also required to be submitted from Korean applicants' side.
Note: To avoid any delay send application well in advance and proposals received after due date either E-mail or hard copy will not be considered. In case of any postal delay, DBT will not be responsible.
It should be ensured that application with an identical title has been submitted by the Korean Focal Coordinator to NRF by due date/time.
It is also noted that all proposals must be submitted by the deadline, taking into account the time difference between the two countries.Evaluation of Applications
A peer-review process will be followed for the assessment of all the application received within the prescribed time limit. Thereafter, applications will be referred to an independent advisory panel for consideration and ranking. Those applications, who will achieve a positive ranking, will be considered eligible for funding. A discussion will be held by the respective nodal agencies for a joint selection of successful application by DBT and NRF. Lastly, the decisions made by the India-ROK Joint S&T Committee will be final. Selection of proposals will be done based on the below-mentioned criteria:Important Dates
Contact Details
From DBT, India:
Scientist 'E', HRD Division,
Department of Biotechnology,
510, 5th Floor, Block 2, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003
Phone: 011-24369385
Email ID:
From MSIT- NRF, Korea:
Senior Researcher
Asia Cooperation Team
Center for International Affairs
National Research Foundation of Korea
Phone: +82-2-3460-5676
For further details, please visit the website of DBT, India.