Online classes are the need of the future. This article provides important tips to school leaders, teachers, and parents to start online classes. This article will really help you to make your online classes a great success.
Online classes are the backbone of the future. In the present scenario, due to the pandemic of Corona Virus, it is possible that the schools and colleges will start after September 2020. So, it is very important for school leaders, parents, and students to go ahead with online classes. In the future, these classes would be an important part of our society. The coaching centres for IIT, JEE, NEET and other competitive exams have also started coaching through online.
How to start online classes?
It is the biggest problem for school leaders and parents to start online classes. There are different aspects and you have to know about them before starting online classes. The school leaders and parents have to know the concept of online classes and after that, they would be succeeded in their goals.
Tips for school leaders
The school leaders and administration have to do the following preparation to start online classes:
Train your teachers: The first work for the school leaders is to train their teachers. All the teachers of the schools and colleges do not know to conduct online classes. So, first, train them and provide them with a training session through online so that they can understand the concept of online classes.
Provide gadgets to the teachers:: The teachers need a smartphone or a laptop with an internet connection to conduct online classes. So, the school administration should provide them with all these things to start online classes. Pen tab is the best option to start online classes. By using pen tab the teachers can write, draw diagrams and can use it as a blackboard in the online classes.
Contact the parents: Contact the parents of the students and let them know about the starting of online classes. The parents also need a smartphone or a laptop to start online classes with an internet connection. So, help them to arrange all these required things otherwise you cannot start online classes. Also, provide technical knowledge to the students to attend the online classes. The students of the present generation already know to use this technology but if some students do not know, let them train for the same.
Select a good platform to start online classes: Now, select a good platform to start online classes. There are many platforms that can be used for online classes. I will recommend you to start online classes through Zoom, Google class room or Google Meet. All these apps are free to use and provide good features to conduct online classes. The Zoom and Google Meet provide you to meet online but through Google classroom, you can post the videos but cannot contact your students online. So, select a good platform or software according to your needs and local conditions.
Prepare a timetable: Prepare a timetable for online classes and try to conduct at least three classes for each and every course weekly. Provide this timetable to the students and ask them to paste this timetable on the wall in front of their study table.
Tips for the teachers
The teachers can do the following things to make online classes a great success:
Be trained: The first thing for the teacher is to get training and learn the concept of online classes. Teachers should learn to start classes and to admit the students in the classroom. They should know the selected software or app before starting the class. They should know to share the screen during the classes. So, aware of the present technologies and learn to use them.
Make your lecture interesting: It is very important to make your lectures interesting. Since the students are getting education through the online first time so it is important that they enjoy learning online. You should use some interesting examples, stories, facts, etc related to your topic so that students enjoy your lectures.
Provide work sheets: You should prepare worksheets before your lecture and provide these worksheets to your students. This work will really help you and also help to your students. You can also prepare notes and provide the soft copies of notes to the students.
Homework: Homework is the most important part of education. So, give homework which should be less so that the students can do this homework before the next class. You should also ask some questions during the lectures. Students can reply through chat or using mic of the mobile phone or laptop.
Arrange doubt session: You should conduct a doubt session after every topic or every lesson. In the doubt session, students can ask their doubts and you can solve them. This doubt session will really help you and make your online classes a big success.
Arrange weekly test: You should evaluate every student by arranging weekly tests and quizzes. This evaluation helps you to track the progress or every student. You may also provide a rank to every student on the basis of these tests.
Maintain records: Maintain the records of attendance, progress report, etc using excel sheet. You can show these records to the parents arranging parents meeting online.
Tips for the parents
The tips for parents are as below:
Arrange mobile phone or laptop: A smartphone or a laptop is necessary to start online class. So, arrange a smartphone or a laptop for your child so that he can attend online classes conducted by his school.
Keen observation: Observe your child that he use a smartphone or a laptop for online classes only. The student can misuse this smartphone or laptop. So, you should watch him that he is attending class daily and doing his homework regularly.
Attend parents meeting: You should attend parents meeting online and take note of the progress of your child. You may also contact the teachers of your child and can know the progress of him. You should encourage and motivate your child for doing good and to boost up his confidence.
Interact with your child: interact your child and try to understand his problems and difficulties. After finding these problems and difficulties try to solve them as soon as possible. Interaction with your child will really help to boost his confidence and to make a good personality.
Online classes not only make your teachers aware of using technologies but also helps in the development of the whole personality of the students. The software and platforms used for online teaching are free. You can also use paid software which provides more features including the website of your school or coaching centres. So, you can start online classes with free software and later you can go with the paid software. You may also develop software as per your needs to conduct online classes.
Article by Hakimuddin Kuwakhedawala Hakimuddin Kuwakhedawala is based in India with over 15 years experience as a teacher. Teaching and writing are his passion. Most of the articles of Hakimuddin are related to education, exam, environmental problems, etc.
A well-presented article by the author. I would like to add a few tips too.
Tips for teachers: Give individual attention when the questions are asked by you and replied by the students. This makes the class interesting and encourages them to learn better.
Tips for the students: 1. Students have to be on time for the class. Don't lose your temper if the network is not connected. If you are not able to connect at all, check with your friends and collect the key points of the class to enable you to move ahead. 2. While you are listening to your class, inform your family members to help you and not to disturb you. A silent environment of your house is necessary and enables you to understand your lessons in a better way.
Nice article by the author , each point which help in online study described in a systematic ways by the author. Today online class is the only option for many schools and other classes so we have to keep these tips in our mind, there are some more tips for students who are taking online classes -
1 . Mute notifications of all social apps of the mobile phone so you will not distract by the social media like Facebook, Whats App, Twitter etc , as we all know there is no android phones where some social apps are not there.
2. Be Disciplined - Many students do not take online classes as much serious as offline because they feel they are not observing by the teachers , but here you should understand this is your need of today so be more concious for your online study.
3. Attentive - Your focus should be only in your study while attending a class.
4. Ask to your family and friends to do not disturb you during your online class timing.
5. Keep all needful study material with you and do not go anywhere until your class is going on finish your work before or after the class.
Remember one thing this is the only way to keep your study continue is this corona era so be sincere and give your 100% to your study.
A well-presented article by the author. I would like to add a few tips too.
Tips for teachers:
Give individual attention when the questions are asked by you and replied by the students. This makes the class interesting and encourages them to learn better.
Tips for the students:
1. Students have to be on time for the class. Don't lose your temper if the network is not connected. If you are not able to connect at all, check with your friends and collect the key points of the class to enable you to move ahead.
2. While you are listening to your class, inform your family members to help you and not to disturb you. A silent environment of your house is necessary and enables you to understand your lessons in a better way.