Should dull students be detained or promoted - a debate

In this debate, I have explained the advantages of promoting the students who flunk in the exams. Some of the students are slightly weaker in a subject or two and they should be promoted to the next level. But, some students should be detained due to some genuine reasons. So, the government should wisely decide the students who should be detained.

According to the policy of the Government, students should not be detained in the same class up to 8th grade. So all the students are automatically promoted to the upper class and none of the students are detained in the same grade. Although they do not develop an inferiority complex, they also lose their interest in studies. So this system is causing inconveniences to the institutions and students.

Reasons why the students should not be detained in the same class

If the students are detained in the same class, then next year they sit beside the junior students on the same bench. So, they feel inferior to be seated with the younger students and yet study in the lower grade. The other pupils and teachers unnecessarily think that the student is not capable of studying. Just because Student A or student B is a repeater, he or she need not be a dull student. Some students are yet developing their skills and are not mature enough too. Perhaps they do not realize the significance of studies and ultimately they do not study for the exam. We cannot judge any student merely by conducting a three-hour exam. If they are not prepared to solve the questions, then they are considered failures. It is just that some students are slightly weaker in a subject and sometimes if they score 5 marks lesser, then are detained in the same class. Such students could study the same syllabus and perform the same assignments, and parents could pay additional fees to the institution for it.

Reasons why the students should be detained in the same class

If the students are automatically promoted to the next class even though they are scoring lesser marks, then they do not realize the significance of education. Most of the students lose their focus on studies and indulge in activities such as playing video games or watching television excessively. Even if they score fewer marks, nobody can ever take any rigorous steps to correct them. They do not realize that they are not moving on the right path and may not build a brighter future. Some of the students are too dull, so much so that they do not understand the basic concepts of the subjects even when they are promoted to the higher secondary grade. Some of the students cannot even read sentences properly in their higher grade, but they are promoted. Yet, such students are simply promoted to the higher level because the government has imposed such regulations. The teachers are then burdened to teach students who do not understand even the basic concepts.

How can the government impose rules in a fair way?

Students who are slightly weaker in only one subject should not be detained in the class but should be allowed to appear for the supplementary exam and be promoted to the next class. Such students can cope with other subjects. The students who are too weak in a subject should be given personal attention. Such students may be classified as 'Special Student' and should fill the Special Child Form. Such students may be promoted to the next level but should follow the required formalities. Some children who are weaker is most of the subjects should be detained so that they learn to strive in life. Usually if the child is not able to cope even in the following year, they cannot be retained in school. If the child is extremely weak in studies, then they require special attention. The principal or school authorities can decide if the child is capable of attending normal schools.


Author: Sangeeta Kumari07 Aug 2020 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 3

Dull students are qualified in two groups. In the first group keep those students who are slightly weaker than usual students,who are are promoted/failed in only one subject. In the other hand in the next group keep those students who are more weaker than the usual students , who are failed in all subjects approximately. Students those are in the first group are promoted a debate after qualified a supplementary exam.But the students who are in
the second group are detained for a debate.these students should support and more attention than usual students.If we detained dull students in the same class they repeat the same class and they are read with their juniors. Some students got it into a positive way and some students got it into negative way. Students who got it into positive way they are able to promote the next level because they think it's the next chance for them and they understand the lessons when they repeat the class. And the other students who got in negative way they are more weaker than before because they are thinking we are dull and juniors are also keddinng them .so they happen more weaker .so the teacher should more attention and support those students so that they are out of that negative way and try to the next level.

Author: K Mohan27 Sep 2021 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 2

The main aim of parents sending their children to the school is to learn and it is the fore most duty of every student to study and perform at least average so that pass marks can be obtained to fare through the exams. Just now while writing this response I came across the stunning news that in Rajasthan the law enforcing agencies caught a coaching teacher who developed a chip that is installed over 6 lakhs chappals to facilitate the students cheat the REET exams. That is very shameful on the part of a coaching teacher working so overtime to bring out hi tech method of cheating. This proves that some states are exploring new ways to avoid exams in proper way and wants to pass through back door method of cheating and for such students the detained option is the best as they should repent and study for the next year and clear the same with shame.

Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao27 Sep 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 3

When we are in our high school in the 1970s, there was no system of promoting them to the next class if they fail in the examinations. So students used to have fear and used to work hard to get the minimum required marks to get promoted to the next class. But when the system of promoting them to the next irrespective of their performance in the examinations, there is some laxity in the system. Attendance has become the only criteria for the students to get promoted.
Already the system of conducting examinations immediately for the failed students is existing in some states and failed students can attend these exams and if they pass that examination they can apply for admissions. This system is there for 10th class and intermediate students in some states. Promoting all the students can be replaced with examinations within a month of results and promoting them to next class will be a better system. The system of promoting without seeing the performance in the examinations is creating an imbalance among the students in the same class.
The teachers in government schools are under pressure and in villages the politicians put pressure on teachers for marking attendance to students so that they can get promoted. If the pass in the examination system is reintroduced this pressure on teachers will also reduce.

Guest Author: Sanchita Ranjan29 Sep 2021

Promoting all children to the next class is not a good decision. In our country, education policy always keeps changing. When we used to go to school there was no provision to promote any child if he/she fails. He had to remain in the same class. But now govt has made a rule to promote all children up to std 8 irrespective of their performance during an academic year. I think it is not a good decision because there would be more chances for the dull students to become weaker in studies.

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