How teachers and parents can play an effective role in online learning

Today all students are studying online as they are not allowed to go to their respective schools. So, both teachers and parents play an important role in making online education effective. The teachers should teach the students with dedication to kindle interest among students. The parents should also see that their child values discipline so that they do not experience any difficulty when the school reopens.

In India, schools still remain closed and hence the schools are providing online education to students. The students are not studying seriously because the teachers or principals are not supervising them. Many students are becoming indisciplined and are losing their interest in studies. The teachers and parents should undertake rigorous steps to make online education effective. The schools may not re-open for two to three months because the Coronavirus is rapidly spreading. Nevertheless, the students need to fruitfully study this year. If they become disinterested in studies, then the parents and teachers cannot revive their interest later on.

Role of teachers in making online education effective

Prepare better quality videos

Most of the teachers send recorded videos to the students on an app. Many teachers in India are using messenger apps to teach students. Some teachers conduct online sessions via video conferencing. The teachers should send better-quality videos to the students. The teachers who teach online should learn the art of photography also. They should choose appropriate angles to capture the image of the blackboard or book. They should also use the fine-tuning options to adjust features such as camera, volume, brightness, bass, echo, etc. They should ensure that the microphone is switched on. The teachers should teach vigorously to attract students. In a classroom, the students are not distracted by any noise or devices such as mobiles, television, etc. and they listen to the lecture of the teachers. At home, though, the children are often distracted because they are engaged in some other activities. The teachers should use different tones to attract the students and should not teach monotonously.

Should provide better demonstrations for the chapter

The teachers should teach enthusiastically to inspire students. Some of the teachers just read the chapters of the book as quickly as possible. When a teacher is teaching geography or science, then he/she should draw suitable diagrams on the board. If they are teaching languages, they should mention some important points on the blackboard. For mathematics, they should demonstrate the problem. They should use various forms of expression to explain the meaning of some important words. The teachers should preferably use a blackboard or a smartboard. They should not just open books and teach them. The students are willing to watch the videos with devotion, only if the teacher is enthusiastic.

Sending some valuable posts or videos

The teachers can send some valuable posts or videos to inspire children. They can focus upon topics such as health and fitness, using mobiles, etc and then send the valuable posts to the students.

Role of parents to make education effective

Promote sincerity

Parents should monitor their child every time so that they watch the videos and also complete their tasks on time. The parents should understand that the child may not cope with the school curriculum later on when the school reopens. The students did not go to school for nearly four months and they are not attending schools now. But if the school reopens after two or three months, then the children feel uneasy like a fish out of water. So, they should teach their children to strictly follow the curriculum so that they become disciplined.

Compulsorily show them the videos

Many teachers are sending links to the students and the students should open the links and watch the videos. Then they also assign some work to the students. Most of the parents allow their children to complete the assignment without watching the videos to save time. But, they should compulsorily insist on their children watch videos. If the children do not watch videos, then they cannot understand the important concepts of the chapter.

Time management

The students should complete the given tasks within the specified time. The teacher does not reprimand the students if they do not submit on time, so parents should teach their children to complete any task within the specified time. Later on, when the school reopens the students cannot follow these guidelines easily.

Provide a study table

Every child should be provided with a table and a chair at home. They should write the notes properly and also keep the book in a proper position. The children should not sit in an improper way and lie down on the carpet. Some of the students even lie on their beds and write the notes. They should implement good habits when they are studying. If they are sluggish, then they feel sleepy and do not write the notes properly.

Teach your children to make effective use of technology

Teach them to independently open the videos given by the teachers. You can also teach them to search for academic information from the search engines and keep a watchful eye so that they do not watch inappropriate videos.

Teach them to be independent

Instruct the child to read the instructions and information provided by teachers so that they follow their instructions. Do not help them to open their books and the chapter from the book. They should independently open the chapter and then solve the assignments.

Discover your child's strengths and weak points

Parents can analyze the ability of their child and their behaviour in the virtual class. Does the child independently open the books? Is the child able to complete assignments independently? Is the child able to understand the instructions of the teachers? Is the child able to complete on time? Thus they can observe the behavior of the child and rectify their weak points.


Author: Swati Sharma12 Aug 2020 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

Parents should keep in mind some important points while supporting their children in the online study -

Always keep an eye on your child while they are attending an online class because we have seen many cases where children are distracted by their other apps and social media. Make them understand the value of online classes. Ensure that your child is following all the online classes rules.

Author: Dr. Sanchita Ranjan13 Aug 2020 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

Nowadays, all the students are learning online due to the pandemic. The online classes are actually less effective than regular classes. In such a situation, the parent's and teacher's role is more important. Time to time, teachers should change their way of conducting online classes. Parents should also carefully monitor their children whether they are studying or not because there are more chances of distraction during an online class. Children find it difficult focus on studies during online classes due to lack of study environment.

Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao13 Aug 2020 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 3

These days online education is the most suitable way. In the present conditions, it may not be possible for another 3 or 4 months to start classroom teaching. So we should all utilise the available facility and try to get the maximum benefit out of it.
When students are sitting in the presence of a teacher they will be more vigilant and they concentrate more on the lesson. But when it comes to online teaching, the teacher may not be able to concentrate on each student and that may be taken as an advantage by the students. Here comes the role of parents. In online schooling, the role and responsibility of the parents will be more important. They should observe how much attentive their children are when the online classes are going on and also whether they are fully concentrating on the lesson or not.
Sometime they should spend with their kids to see what portion is covered and how their kids are coping up.

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