Rules and regulations for teachers and principals - is it necessary?
In this article, I am mentioning possible reasons why teachers and the principal of the school also should be monitored. The students are constantly imposed with rules and regulations, but not the teaching staff. The management committee and parents can review the practices of the teaching staff to promote the quality of teaching and build interest among students.
Most of the students sincerely follow the rules and regulations imposed by the school authorities. Even today, the students and parents are often scared of the school principal. Recently, a principal from a convent school in Bihar slapped a guardian because he refused to pay the school fees. Some principals do not freely interact with the parents but abuse them for frivolous issues. Some principals are pressurizing parents to pay schools fees and buying school kit. Some principals in our country are authoritative and expect the teachers, students and the non-staff members of the school to strictly follow their orders. Even school teachers cannot freely express their views or opinion. If any parent makes a complaint against them, then they express their frustration towards students. Some teachers are also dominant and inconsiderate towards students. While many teachers are also loving and caring for students, some teachers are so insensitive that people can generalize that teachers are ruthless. The students are strictly following the rules and regulations of the school. If we read the rules and regulations inscribed in the calendar, then we can view some of the statements like "If the students do not follow the rules of the school, then they are seriously viewed". The students cannot become confident if they are not nurtured in their childhood. Some principals and teachers pressurize the students to participate in school activities even when they are not willing to participate. The teachers still give corporal punishment to the students for different reasons. Some teachers and principals punish the child when they fail in the examination. Some teachers flog the students because they cannot properly copy the notes from the blackboard. Some teachers even hit the students for poor handwriting. Some teachers or principals become aggressive when the students cannot follow the instructions. If a parent complains for these reasons, the say something like "Our school is one of the most renowned schools in the city and we want to maintain the school standards". But, the students should be nurtured and treated with care. When they are young, they experience failures and teachers should support them to overcome failures. When an adult can commit several errors and are learners throughout their life, why cannot the children commit errors? They should be treated considerately by the principal and teachers of the school.
The management committee of the school is usually located in a different place. So, the principals and teachers are not supervised by the management committee and hence the teaching staff are liberal to undertake their own decisions.
The students cannot easily make progress when cannot grow holistically. The teachers are constantly supervising the students, but do not undertake any steps to improve their weak points. The teachers and principals play a significant role in the lives of students. Some teachers only interact with the students who are smarter and ignore the weaker students. Some schools conduct an open day for the parents. The teachers unnecessarily complain about the students, but never suggest any ways for improvement. The principals impose rules and regulations, but do they conduct any development programs for the students? So, the teachers and principals also should have rules and regulations. How to control principals and teachers of the school
The management committee should monitor the teachers and principals frequently. They should monitor their activities during the week or month. They should also access the efforts of the teachers in the activity. They should ensure that every student is benefited by the teaching staff and principals. The teachers and principals should always use the best techniques to teach. The management committee should interact with the parents directly and provide them with with feedback forms. They should ensure that every parent and student is satisfied with the teachers and principals. They should also review the feedback of the students and undertake necessary steps to improve the quality of teaching. They should enforce some developmental programs for students. The teachers or principals can conduct lectures to provide effective study tips to the students. They can also conduct personality development programs to raise their level of confidence.
The parents of the students can form a committee to discuss various problems. If they experience problems, they can directly interact with the principal or teacher. The parents should always openly interact with their children at home and listen to their problems. If the parents do not openly interact with their children, then they feel suffocated. So, the parents should effectively communicate with the teachers and their children.