Alagappa University online admission notification 2020-2021

Admissions are open at Alagappa University for the academic year 2020. Interested candidates can apply for UG, PG and Diploma admissions at Alagappa University and its constituent colleges on or before 17.08.2020. Read this article to know more about the eligibility criteria, courses offered and the procedures on how to fill the online application form of Alagappa University admissions 2020.

About the University

Alagappa University was established in the year 1985 by the Tamil Nadu Government to conduct education and research in various courses. It is a reputed university which has 44 departments, 2 constituent colleges and 9 research centres in its campus located at Karaikudi. Also, the university has 46 affiliated colleges in the districts of Ramanathapuram and Sivaganga. Alagappa University offers various degree programmes through Regular, Week-end, Distance and Collaborative modes. The university has international collaborations with higher education universities and institutes located in countries like the U.S.A, UK, Australia, Singapore, China, Malaysia and South Korea. Alagappa University is also considered to be one of the top distance education universities in Tamil Nadu. The Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa University offers various Arts, Science, Management, Commerce and Education programmes through distance learning.

The university strives hard to provide quality education to the students and it has also received ISO 9001-2015 certification. To conduct various learning and research programmes, the university has good infrastructure and facilities. As per the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2019 ranking, Alagappa University has secured 28th position. It has also secured 4th position in Swachhta Ranking 2018 for the cleanest Higher Educational Institutions in the country under the category of Government Institutions.

Admissions 2020 at Alagappa University

Alagappa University has released an official notification for admissions into the academic year 2020 for the following UG, PG, Diploma and PG Diploma courses. Candidates who are interested to apply for the admissions can read this article and learn the eligibility criteria and the online application form filling guidelines.

Courses offered

  • B.Sc. Yoga
  • B.P.Ed. (2 years)
  • B.Ed. Special Education (Intellectual Disability)
  • B.Ed. Special Education (Visual Impairment)
  • B.P.A. Bharatanatyam (4 years) – Part Time
  • B.P.A Music (4 years) – Part Time
  • M.A.Tamil
  • M.A. Gender Studies
  • M.A. Economics
  • M.A. History
  • M.A. Sociology
  • M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication
  • M.A. Public Administration
  • M.A. Theatre and Film Studies
  • M.S.W. (Master of Social Work)
  • M.Lib.I.Sc. (2 Years)
  • M.Ed.
  • M.Ed. Special Education (Visual Impairment) 2 years
  • M.P.Ed.
  • M.P.A. in Music (Vocal) - Part Time
  • M.P.A Bharatanatyam - Part Time
  • M.Voc. Fashion Technology
  • M.Voc. Software Development
  • M.B.A. (International Business)
  • M.B.A. (Banking & Insurance)
  • M.B.A. (Tourism Management)
  • M.B.A. (Logistics Management)
  • M.B.A. (Corporate Secretaryship)
  • M.B.A. (Disaster Management)
  • M.Sc. Botany
  • M.Sc. Zoology
  • M.Sc. Psychology
  • M.Sc. Computer Science
  • M.Sc. Information Technology
  • M.Sc. Nanoscience & Technology
  • M.Sc. Chemistry (Spl Nanoscience & Technology)
  • M.Sc. Energy Science
  • M.Sc. Marine Biology (5 year integrated)
  • M.Sc. Fisheries Science
  • M.Sc. Yoga
  • M.Sc. Material Science
  • PG Diploma in Big Data Analytics
  • PG Diploma in Fashion Designing
  • D.P.Ed. (2 years)
  • Diploma in Tamil Culture
  • Diploma in Folk Dance & Music

Eligibility criteria

Only candidates who possess the following educational qualifications and the eligibility criteria for their desired course can apply for admissions at Alagappa University.

  1. Candidates who wish to apply for B.P.A(Music), B.P.A(Bharatanatyam), B.Sc Yoga, Diploma in Tamil Culture and Diploma in Folk Dance & Music courses must have a pass in higher secondary examination(+2) conducted by a recognized education board in any subject group.

  2. For admission into B.P.Ed course, candidates who have BPES / BPE / B.Sc degree in Physical education or any equivalent degree in 3-years program can apply. Also, graduates who have secured 1st / 2nd / 3rd position in Inter-Collegiate sports/games or graduate with the one-year training program in Sports Science / Sports Management / Sports Coaching / Yoga Olympic Education / Sports Journalism, etc. or those possessing NCC "C" certificate or passed basic course in Adventure are eligible to apply for admissions.

  3. Candidates must have completed a degree in Tamil / English / Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry / Botany / Zoology / History to apply for B.Ed admissions at Alagappa University. The minimum qualifying marks in Part III and allied subjects for the students who belong to the OC category is 55% and for BC, MBC, SC/ST category students the qualifying marks are 45%, 43% and 40% respectively. For commerce students, M.Com alone is eligible to apply.

  4. For M.A Tamil admissions, candidates must have completed B.A or B.Litt degree in Tamil.

  5. To get admissions into M.A Sociology, M.S.W, M.A. Public Administration, M.A Theatre and Film Studies and M.A Gender Studies and other PG courses offered by the school of social sciences, candidates must have a pass in any undergraduate degree with 10+2+3 education pattern. For M.A History, preference will be given to History graduates. For admissions into M.A Economics, the eligible UG degree to apply are B.A. Economics / Business Economics / Cooperation / B.B.M./ B.B.E. / B.B.A./ B.Com. / B.Sc. Statistics / Agricultural Economics / Mathematics. A bachelor's degree in Science / Arts / Humanities is required for admissions into the 2-years M.Lib.I.Sc. course.

  6. For M.Ed admissions, candidates must have completed B.Ed. / B.A. Education / B.Sc. Education (Four years of the integrated programme).

  7. Candidates who wish to apply for M.P.Ed. admissions must have completed B.P.Ed. Degree with at least 50% of marks. Also, compulsorily, they should have minimum inter-college level participation in sports and games. The age limit for admissions into this course is 35 years as on 01.07.2020. However, age relaxation of 3 years will be given to SC/ST candidates and 6 years will be given to Ex-Servicemen / Experienced Physical Education Teachers. For admissions into this course, the candidates should be medically fit and free from any deformity. Pregnant women are not eligible to apply for this course. M.P.Ed. admissions will be done only based on the ranking in the fitness test.

  8. Candidates with B.A. Music / B.F.A. Music / Bachelor of Performing Arts(B.P.A.) Music / Any degree of recognized University with minimum10 years of experience in Music can apply for M.P.A Music (vocal) course.

  9. The eligible educational qualification for admissions into M.P.A. Bharatanatyam course is B.A. Bharatanatyam / B.P.A. Bharatanatyam / Bachelor of Fine Arts in Bharatanatyam / Any Degree of recognized University with minimum 5 years of experience in Bharatanatyam.

  10. To apply for admissions into M.Voc Fashion Technology, candidates should have completed B.Voc. / B.Sc. degree in Fashion Technology / Costume Design & Fashion / Apparel and Fashion Designing / Fashion Technology & Costume Design / any UG degree with core / allied papers related 5 to Fashion Technology / Apparel or any qualification equivalent thereto in 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 55% marks in Part III (for SC/ST candidates 50%). Also, candidates who have Diploma / PG Diploma related to Fashion Technology / Fashion Designing / Apparel with a minimum of 55% marks in Part III (SC/ST candidates 50%) are eligible to apply.

  11. For admissions into M.Voc Software Development, candidates must have a graduate degree in B.Voc. Software Development / B.Sc. Computer Science / Information Technology / Electronics / B.C.A./ B.Com.(Computer Applications) / any UG degree with core / allied papers related to Software Development / Computer Science / Information Technology / Computer Applications or any qualification equivalent with 10+2+3 education pattern. The minimum qualifying mark is 50% for SC/ST students and 55% for others in Part III).

  12. For admissions into M.B.A programs, candidates who have completed any graduate degree with 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 education pattern can apply. The minimum qualifying mark is 45% for SC/ST students and 50% for others.

  13. Candidates who have a pass in any degree with 10+2+3 education pattern can apply for admissions into PG Diploma in Fashion Designing. For admissions into PG Diploma in Big Data Analytics course, candidates must have a graduate degree in Computer Science / IT / Software Development / Commerce / Business Administration as Major/ Allied subjects.

  14. To know the eligibility criteria for admissions into M.Sc degree programs and other academic courses offered by Alagappa University departments and its constituent colleges, candidates are requested to read the prospectus available at the official website

Prospectus link:

How to apply

To apply for admissions into the academic degree programs offered by Alagappa University and its constituent colleges, eligible candidates must fill the online application form available at the official website of Alagappa University.

Before filling the form, candidates are advised to read the instructions and prospectus carefully. First candidates have to register themselves with their details and then fill all the required fields in the application form. Also, it is mandatory for the candidates to upload the scanned images of cumulative/individual mark statements, community certificate, photograph and signature at the appropriate places in the application form.

Alagappa University online application fee
Image Source: Official website of Alagappa University

After submitting all the details in the application form, candidates must pay the application form fee through Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card/ UPI payment mode. If the online payment fails, applicants can retry the procedure and pay the fee again by online mode. In case of online payment failure, the amount debited from the Bank account will be reverted back to the account automatically.

Once the online payment is done successfully, the application form will be submitted and an application number will be generated and sent to the applicant's email id/mobile through email or SMS. Candidates must provide a valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number while registering online because all the details regarding Alagappa University admissions will be communicated only to the registered email id and mobile number.

Once the online application form is submitted successfully, applicants need not send the printout of the online application form or any other supporting documents to the University. Candidates who have applied for admissions through entrance exams can download the online hall ticket from the university website.

The last date to submit the online application form is 17-08-2020 before 05.00 pm.

Selection process

Admissions at Alagappa University and its constituent colleges will be done based on the merit and the reservation norms of the Government of Tamil Nadu. Out of all the seats, 5% is reserved for differently-abled students in all the programmes.

For B.Ed program, admissions will be done based on entrance test marks only and for MPEd / BPEd / DPEd courses selection of admissions will be based on Medical Test, Physical Efficiency Test & Games Test marks.

For admissions to all MBA degree courses, candidates will be selected based on Entrance Test, Group Discussion and Interview marks.

Admissions into all the other degree programs offered by Alagappa University and its constituent colleges will be done on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying degree exam.

Note: Due to COVID-19 situation, the entrance exams announced for certain programmes are withdrawn. Admission to those programmes will be made based on marks only. Check the official website for more details regarding the selection process.

Contact details

For any admission related queries, contact

Address: Alagappa University, Karaikudi - 630 003
Phone: (+91) 4565 223111


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