Panjab University Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology course admissions 2020

Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology course is a good career option for students who have completed their 10+2 and this article gives details of the admission process for this particular course at Panjab University, Chandigarh.


Every year, Panjab University takes a common entrance test known as Panjab University Tourism & Hospitality Aptitude Test (PUTHAT) for admission to the Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT) and Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management (BTTM) programs. The exam conducting body is UIHTM (University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management). Due to Covid-19 situation, the entrance exam is cancelled and now the admission will be based on the result of class 12 exam of the students applying for it. But the applicants have to apply for this online in the PUTHAT format only. The last date of applying for this course has already been extended a few times earlier and now the latest last date to submit the application along with all the details is 5th September 2020. Due to Covid-19 problem, many institutes are changing and postponing the dates for commencement of their courses and one has to be a bit alert and attentive in this respect and keep a constant touch with the official website of the particular institution.


The candidate should have acquired 10+2 qualification for applying for this course. Candidates should have at least 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST/BC/PwD Categories) in the aggregate and should also have English as one of the compulsory subjects.

How to apply

The application form is to be filled online on the official website of Panjab University. The applicant has to register and would get a user ID and password through his email. The candidate has to use it to enter the site for filling the form. Before filling the details candidate has to pay the fee either by Bank Challan or online. In case of a bank challan, the candidate has to wait for at least 24 hours before filling the form as it would be unlocked only after getting the fee by the university. All the details like valid email ID and mobile number, the name of the candidate, father's name, mother's name, category, date of birth, gender, address, nationality, academic background, Class 10 Marks, Class 12 Marks, Year of Passing/Appearing, Name of Board/University etc are to be correctly filled in the given spaces. After filling these details one has also to upload a scanned copy of the photograph and signature. One has to save the data but check before saving the details thoroughly as there is no edit facility later. Checking the filled form is a very crucial part of the whole process and one must take good care about this.

Application fee

For general candidates the application fee is Rs 2175 while for SC/ST/PwD it is Rs 1088. It can be paid online or through bank challan. In case of bank challan the candidate has to wait for at least 24 hours before filling the form as it would be unlocked only after getting the fee by the university.

Last date and other important tentative dates

The last date of applying has already been extended 2 times and the latest last date to submit the application along with all the details is 5th September 2020. The tentative date of merit list display is expected as 14th September 2020 and seat allocations are expected by 19th September 2020 and 1st counselling is expected on 24th September 2020. The candidate should monitor the university website for the latest about these dates.

Panjab University site details

For filling the online form and monitoring the status of various dates one has to visit the official site of Panjab University.


Interested candidates should apply for this course and another thing to note is that the process is much simplified now as the entrance exam is cancelled and based on the merit of class 12 only the admissions would be announced. Interested candidate, especially who have good marks in class 12, should avail this opportunity.


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