Registration Re-open for DBT JRF - Biotechnology Eligibility Test
Are you looking for a fellowship to join the PhD programme? DBT JRF has extended the date of Biotechnology Eligibility Test-2020 and application portal is open now. The candidates now can register themselves for the exam. To check the details of the application, eligibility, application procedure, selection procedure and last date etc read this article.
Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India is going to conduct Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) for the award of "DBT-Junior Research Fellowship" (DBT-JRF) to the candidates who wish to pursue a PhD in Biotechnology and Life Sciences. DBT is inviting applications for the registration in Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) exam. The Benefit of the Award
In BET exam, candidates are selected in two categories (Category I & Category II) based on their performance in the exam. A merit list will be prepared for both these categories.
The candidates who will be selected in Category I can register themselves in the PhD programme at any Indian University or Institute and avail the fellowship.
On the other hand, the candidates selected under Category II will be eligible to apply for any DBT sponsored project through the institutional selection procedure. These candidates can avail the fellowship from the project in which they will be appointed. However, DBT-JRF will not provide any fellowship to these candidates.
After qualifying for the DBT-BET (category-I) exam, candidates will become entitled to get a fellowship on joining a PhD programme. He/she can register and join the PhD programme in any recognised university/Institute within the 2 years from issuance of award letter. Eligible short-listed candidates, who will be called for document verification, will be issued fellowship award letters.
Please note that DBT will not be responsible for registration or admission of the candidates for PhD programmes in any institute.Eligibility Requirements
Educational Qualification:
Age Limit: For General & EWS category, the maximum age limit is 28 years (as on the closing date of submission). However, for SC/ ST/ Differently Abled/ women candidates there will be an age relaxation of up to 5 years i.e. maximum 33 years and up to 3 years (31 years) for Non-Creamy Layer OBC (NCL-OBC) candidates.Selection Method
Selection of the candidates will be selected on a computer-based, "Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET)". There will be several options for exam centres in the application form, out of which the candidates will have to choose three options as per their choice.
Candidates will be allotted exam centre from their opted centres, however, sometimes or because of administrative reasons a different centre or city may be allotted.
There will not be any provision of TA/DA for attending the test.How to Apply
Note: Those who have already registered themselves for BET 2020, need not apply again.Application Fee
After application submission, the candidate belonging to the General/OBC/EWS categories will have to pay an application fee of Rs.1000/-, while he candidates those belonging to SC/ ST/ Differently-abled categories will have to pay Rs 250/-. The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable and will not be refunded in any case. Important Dates
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