What to consider when writing an article

Are you a writer or blogger? Would you like to know some useful information on the Digital world that would help you to correct yourself while writing in the near future to get some benefit out of those hard works? If yes, read this article to know more about bounce rate, internal link, backlink, external link, DMCA, and tips for traffic, etc.

As a writer or blogger, you need to know a few basic things to take steps accordingly other than proficiency in English. Many might be Fluent in English but they have no idea how to publish the content to get potential results on their work. So find a few points herein below and these might help you to remind yourself while writing and carefully post the content to get benefits.

tips for less bounce rate

What is Bounce Rate?

It is a term in Digital marketing or SEO or the Internet world for Traffic analysis. In general, the less the bounce rate, the better. What and how? It is a visitor that visits your webpage through a search engine, the stay (duration) and reads the content. So, the more minutes a visitor stays on your webpage, the better.

Even far better is when the visitor tries to stay (for a valuable / quality content) reading and then goes to other webpages within the same website for related content and stays as long as possible. This gives weightage to the website overall by search engines result page (SERP). The drawback is when it happens the opposite. Like returning a visitor from your webpage within the shortest duration or just in a very few seconds without liking the search resulted content. If many visitors do like this (many visitors bounces) then search engine tool will ignore that webpage or content.

What is an Internal link?

The clickable URL of the other webpage within your website. If you have published the content or article on a page, it is better to have three to five internal links (clickable URL) of the related topics from the same website. Neither ignore it nor insert many wanted and unwanted internal links.

What is an External link?

The clickable URL of the other website on your webpage or website that leads visitors from your website to other website visits.

What is an External link with 'NoFollow' term?

It is a very important one. If your website has an external link then it is better to have with rel="nofollow" tag that won't affect your website in SERP. The rel="nofollow" meta tag conveys to search engines not to follow one specific outbound link. If you don't use this tag then it will automatically be considered as rel="dofollow" tag, and it means 100% external link and will be beneficial for the URL of the website.

What is Backlink?

The clickable URL of your website on other's website that leads visitors from their website to visit your website, like inward traffic to your domain. Unless rel="nofollow" tag not inserted. It is really good and hard to get an external link with dofollow tag.

What is DMCA?

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) manages Copyright law specially for the Tech and Digital world content. If someone copied your original content without any credit then you can file a DMCA online to remove that copied content.

tips for traffic

How to increase traffic to the website?

Finally, you might ask, how to increase organic traffic to your content or posts? There are many articles on this and some of them are available in this website itself and some are available from other websites. They have given tips and guidelines etc. and that info also would help you.

In short, quality content, useful info, solutions to visitors, on-time post, trending topic, more than five hundred words with relevant image/s, related internal link/s, h2 or h3 tag, related video if any, write short sentences, short paragraphs, and less promotion. Use the Grammarly tool for draft checking and rectify the errors before posting them.

Also, learn how to earn from this site and Google AdSense etc.

Hope the above article helped you. Feel free to add your comment below with regards to the above subject and content, so that we can reply you once we back.

Article by Hafeezur Rahman
Hafeezur Rahman has joined ISC in 2009 and he is a Job Editor at ISC since 2010, he also a Blogger. Hafeez continue to contribute in various sections of ISC and its sister sites like Techulator, NewRecruitments & Goaspider etc. He is a renowned feature writer & social enthusiast. He loves to write in a simple manner and share his visionary write-ups with the readers on the topics related to his field of interests and different niche. All his write-ups have been popularly read & shared by global readers.

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Author: Umesh09 Sep 2020 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 5

On the internet, there are many sites and many writers who are relentlessly contributing and uploading newer and newer content. But the problem is all this is old wine in a new bottle and the visitors quickly find that this thing they had already read in some other presentation somewhere else. So, for a writer, this is really a challenge to write something with new content and new style to attract the readers to that new approach. It is possible and many successful writers are adopting those methodologies in their work. It is not a question of simply writing an article, it is a matter of churning out a well-composed, mistake-free, content-full and attractive article which if a reader starts reading would not stop in between.

Many readers come to the internet in search of some specific information and if that is available in our articles they would definitely like to use it. So, anything which is ambiguous is to be eliminated from the article and whatever is known with full confidence is only to be presented.

In the modern era one has to be well versed in making links and back links to its articles and also keep a vigil if someone copying the hardly earned content by us. So, there are additional things that one has to monitor in addition to the plain writing job.

Author: K Mohan12 Oct 2021 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 2

The author has brought in an article that needs deliberation and discussion. Although writing articles or blogging is left to the interest and the content writing ability of the persons, but care must be taken that they should churn out such contents which are user friendly and not user boring. Copied content is not allowed on the internet, but we see so many writings appear across the Net with the same type of views expressed in different ways and thus the intelligent reader or the net user knows that this he has already gone through and would not give them credence at all. If the article is well composed with added inputs by the writers there is every chance that even the new readers would be joining the bandwagon of ardent followers and thus the article gets the right viewing on the internet. Content should not be boring, it must be impressive with not so confusing words and at the same time, new information should be given so that that would be additional knowledge to the readers.

Author: Hafeezur Rahman12 Oct 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Thanks to Umesh and K Mohan for your valuable feedback and other additional helpful points to remember.

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