Architecture Aptitude Test - gateway for admission to B.Arch programs in IITs
Are you interested in the field of architecture and eager to seek a career in it? Learn here about the Architecture Aptitude Test conducted by the IITs for admission to their B.Arch programs. Also, learn of the important dates relating to registration for the test and date of exam.
The Architecture Aptitude Test or the AAT is the gateway to enter undergraduate programs in the field of architecture in the IITs. Currently, the B.Arch program is available at three IITs and they are IIT Kharagpur, IIT Roorkee and IIT Varanasi (BHU). The test is conducted by the IITs and has to be registered separately at the JEE Advanced website after the JEE Advanced results are declared. The Architecture Aptitude Test is however, only qualifying in nature. Those who pass the test will be eligible to apply for the B.Arch programs, but their admission and eventual allotment of seats will be based on their JEE Advanced All India Rank. As such, to appear or apply for this test, the aspirants will have to first qualify the JEE Advanced. Those who qualify can only apply for AAT. For the current year, JEE Advanced is going to be held on 27 September 2020 and soon after its results are declared, the registration will commence for AAT. The registration and the test dates for AAT are given as below.
Important dates
Eligibility for AAT
Test centres
The Architecture Aptitude Test is conducted at all the 23 IITs in the country. This year, the test will be conducted by IIT Delhi.Test format
The test is of 3 hours duration and is of single session. The test will be in English language only. It is a pen, pencil and paper based test, where there are theory questions as well as those based on drawings. It is both general knowledge and aptitude-based test. There will be questions related to famous monuments as well as questions where you will have to draw an object or a structure say a flower vase, a bus stop, traffic signals or a school bus full of children. It also checks your sense of perception through questions based on 3D aspects. Your creativity and skills on free hand drawing are tested too. Altogether there will be 16 questions that cover all the above aspects. The syllabus for the test is given as follows.
Results and selections
The result of the Architecture Aptitude Test will be declared at the JEE Advanced website itself. Candidates getting marks above a certain cut-off will be declared as pass. The cut-off will be decided by the Joint Implementation Committee of JEE Advanced. The cut-off will be same for all categories of students, irrespective of their caste or category. There would not be any separate ranking for AAT. As mentioned earlier, the test is qualifying in nature and the allotment of the seats will be solely based on the candidates All India Rank in JEE Advanced as per his/her category.Number of seats for AAT
How to apply for AAT
Following is the procedure for applying for Architecture Aptitude Test being conducted by the IITs.Few important points regarding AAT
Following points are to be kept in mind by the candidates before heading to their respective centres for the test.