UG & PG In-Campus Internship at TERI- School of Advanced Studies

Are you looking for an internship in sustainable development? TERI School of Advanced Studies offers internship opportunities to the students. In this article, the candidates can get the information of the TERI SAS internship like duration, facilities, eligibility requirement, application and selection process, etc.


TERI School of Advanced Studies is a Deemed to be University and known for its work in sustainable development. The University is approved from UGC and accredited by NAAC. It provides an opportunity for the students to work in Sustainable Development under the supervision of experts in their fields. Thus students can get work-related experience which will foster the development of technical, intellectual and professional skills. The University has world-class infrastructure and laboratories.

Internship Details

Name of the Internship: The in-Campus internship programme offered by TERI School of Advanced Studies is called the TERI SAS Policy and Guidelines.

Internship Duration: Initially internship duration will be of 8 weeks which may be extended further after performance review of the Intern.

Number of Seats: At TERI SAS, each faculty member can take no more than 02 interns at a time.

Remuneration: TERI SAS does not offer remuneration to the interns during the internship. But in certain exceptional cases, remuneration of a maximum of Rs.5000/- per month may be paid only after approval from VC or ProVC.

Hostel Facility: Hostel facility is available and interns can apply for it. For female interns, girl's hostel is available and they may apply to get accommodation in the Girl's hostel for the internship period subject to availability. Hostel charges will have to be paid by the interns.

Library Facility: The intern may visit the library and they can use the library book and other reference material available there.

Working Hours: The working hours of TERI SAS are from 08:30 am to 04:30 pm. Interns are required to mark daily attendance.

Benefits to the Internship

  • The internship will provide exposure to the students and engage them in various ongoing projects.
  • Interns will work under the supervision of experienced faculty of TERI SAS.
  • They can participate in the various developmental activities running at the University.

Eligibility Requirements

Students who wish to get enrolled in an internship at TERI SAS must fulfil the following criteria:
  1. Only students from other universities, colleges, institutions will be admitted to the internship programme.
  2. Even students from TERI University will also not welcomed and are encouraged to join internship somewhere else outside TERI University.
  3. The applicants must have either completed or undergoing in the 3rd or 4th year of undergraduate or master degree course in the relevant field.
  4. They must have scored a minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a 10.0 scale.
  5. Working professionals can also apply for the internship programme, but they must have adequate and relevant work experience. They can join an internship by taking leave from their work.

Application Procedure

  1. First, students must visit the official website of TERI University to identify department and faculty under whom they want to carry out their internship.
  2. After identifying the Department and faculty, they can contact the concerned faculty to discuss the area of work.
  3. Now, they must download the application format available on the official website.
  4. The filled-in application should be sent to the concerned faculty member either by post or through email at least 90 days before the start of the internship.
  5. Documents to be annexed with the application form:
    • Recommendation Letter: The candidates must get a recommendation letter from the experts in their field.
    • Synopsis: A synopsis of the proposed work is to be prepared and submitted along with the application form. The synopsis should not exceed more than 150 words.
    • Curriculum Vitae: They must attach their updated CV with the application form.


The selection process shall be:
  • The application received at TERI University will be reviewed by the concerned faculty in consultation with the Head of the Department/ Centre.
  • After reviewing the application and CV of applicants, a final list of the selected students will be prepared.
  • The final list of selected student will be sent to the office of the Registrar at least one week before the start of the Internship.

Joining at TERI SAS

At the time of joining in the concerned Department, the intern will have to submit the joining report to the Registrar Office. Format of joining report is available at the official website of TERI University. Apart from this, an undertaking will also have to be submitted by the intern mentioning that "he/she shall strictly maintain full confidentiality and secrecy regarding any confidential information/ matter relating to TU" and "he/she will not violate the University Honour Code."

Responsibility of the Intern

  • The intern will have to work under the guidance of the concerned faculty at TERI SAS.
  • The interns must do their work dedicatedly in the approved area during the internship period.
  • Interns will have to be engaged in ongoing research, capacity building programmes and other activities running at TERI University.
  • The interns may work within the TERI University premises only. They must not enter the unauthorized areas of the TU without the prior permission of the competent authority.

Responsibility of the Guide

  • The main responsibility of the faculty member or Guide is to monitor and evaluate the work of the intern.
  • Topic and title of the work will be finalized by the Guide within 03 working days of the intern joining the internship.
  • The Guide will also provide training experience to the intern.
  • Record of attendance is to be maintained by the Guide.
  • The Guide shall submit the attendance & evaluation details to the Registrar Office (format available on the website).

Report Submission

  • At the end of the internship, the intern will have to prepare a draft dissertation of the work done and submit to the Guide for review. After approval from the Guide, he/she will have to submit the final report.
  • Upon submission of the final report, grading will be done based on the quality of work and performance of the student.
  • The intern may be asked to present it before the Department if required.

Issuance of Certificate

Upon successful completion, an Internship completion certificate will be issued to the interns. In the certificate, the intern will be graded by the concerned supervisor based on the performance and quality of work during the internship period. Performance grading will be as follows:
Grade "A+": Excellent
Grade "A": Very Good
Grade "B+": Good
Grade "B": Average
Grade "C": Below average
A copy of the certificate is to be forwarded to Registrar Office for the record.

Clearance Certificate

At the end of the internship, the Interns will have to submit a "Clearance Certificate" or "No Dues Certificate". Internship completion certificate will be issued to the interns only after submission of the clearance certificate.

Terms and Condition

  • The interns will have to follow all the applicable rules, regulations and policies of the TERI SAS.
  • After joining, the intern will be issued a temporary enrollment number.
  • They will be attached to the concerned Department of the Guide.
  • The internship outcomes will be the intellectual property of TERI University. However, the intern may use it with prior approval of TU.


Followings are the grounds of termination of internship:
  • Internship of the intern may be terminated at any time if the performance of the intern will be found unsatisfactory.
  • If the intern remains absent from work without the permission of the Supervisor.
  • If the intern's found undisciplined.

Contact Details

The Registrar
Plot No. 10 Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110 070 / India
Tel: +91 11 71800222 (25 lines)
Fax: +91 11 26122874
For internship related queries, email :

Important Links:
Guidelines and Application Form:
Internship Policy:


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