Role of a teacher and a parent for ADHD student

In this article, I have explained about the ADHD disorder that is common in children. The teachers and parents play a major role in shaping the lives of the child. The teachers should be dutiful and willing to uplift the child. The parents should undertake special responsiblity to teach the child. So, even ADHD students can study like the other students.

Some students suffer from ADHD disorder known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Such children do not pay attention in the classroom and are constantly fidgeting. When a teacher is teaching a lesson to students, these students are often creating a disturbance in the class. These children are too noisy or too restless in the classroom. The other students are often distracted by such students. Some children with ADHD disorder may grasp the concepts quickly taught in class. But, some other students are not attentive and cannot learn effectively. So, the teachers should not feel irritated or complain to the principal saying that they cannot handle the child.

How the students with ADHD behave in a classroom?

These students cannot complete any task until someone is constantly persuading them. They often become noisy when the teacher is delivering lectures as they cannot remain quieter. They may constantly move from one place to another and sometimes even exhibit disruptive behaviour. The teachers should become emphatic towards such students than behaving stringently with them.

The role of teachers for ADHD student

Teachers should understand that they are dealing with distinct personalities. The parents of the child play an important role in supporting the students of the school. If your child is suffering from ADHD, then you should support the teachers and reduce their hassles. The teachers play a special role in evaluating the needs of the children. They should access their strengths and weaknesses and undertake a step accordingly. Children with ADHD may be intelligent or average. So, such students can study in a normal school. Some students who are intellectually affected may study in a special school. The teachers can help the students to stay focused and learn to their full capabilities. Such students should be seated on the first bench of the first row. The teacher should always think positively and should not deny helping such students. Some teachers simply use such statements 'We are always pestering the kid to write notes, but is not writing'. But such kids may be very smart also, but due to teacher's ill-attitude, the child may not develop fully to its potential. If teachers are denying duties, then they cannot enhance their career. They can easily attract the attention of such students if they are teaching in a fine manner. While explaining, they should write some important points on the smartboard. They should sometimes draw a picture or a diagram on the board. Such students usually have greater visual stimuli. The teachers can sometimes present placards to attract attention from students. These visual presentations are not useful to students with ADHD problem, but also other students in the class. These students should not sit near the window or near any object such as a cupboard. The teacher should regularly monitor the child whenever they are free. Some of the teachers complain 'I have no time'. If the teacher knows the techniques of time-management, then surely then can spend time with the kid. They should know the techniques of giving instructions to such students. They should preferably give one instruction at a time.

Role of parents towards the ADHD child

Parents play a major role in moulding the behaviour of the child. They should be extremely co-operative towards their teachers. They should regularly check their notebook and complete the notes if the child has not completed in class. The parents can use different techniques to teach the students. They can regularly use placards for each lesson. They can also use pictures, charts, or colour-coding to attract the attention of the child. Such children cannot learn longer sentences and hence they can prepare bullet points to study different chapters. The teachers cannot prepare notes separately for the students, so the parents should undertake this responsibility. The ADHD kid is usually not intellectually disabled and hence can learn like the other kids if they are given special attention.


Author: Umesh28 Nov 2020 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 4

Children who are suffering from ADHD syndrome are to be treated in a slightly different fashion than the regular normal students. Teacher as well as parents should be aware of this fact and should not just bang the child for his or her inconsistencies. In this situation I feel that the role of parents is very important as the child grows up under the direction and control of the parents only. Teacher can only give some support in the classroom and interact with the parents for remedial measures. Teacher has also to take care of the whole class and he cannot give more time to a particular student suffering from ADHD or some mild mental retardation. One thing that parents have to take care is engaging such children in some constructive activity so that their interest is maintained in it. Making crafts or some utility items like paper bags etc are some practical measures that can give the child a feeling that he has done it and he is capable of doing still better. So engagement and the pride achieved by the child through engagement are the crucial things that one has to look at while dealing and tackling such children. I have seen some cases of such children just because of my interest in this area, and in one case I found that the father taught the child some games like carom and chess and then the child was so much involved in them that he became a good chess player in the school and the teachers praised the father for bringing such a quality and proficiency in that boy who was suffering from ADHD syndrome. So, parents can channelise the excitement and extra energy which that child is bestowed by nature in such innovative ways.

Author: Sheo Shankar Jha17 Jul 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 4

Children suffering from ADHD disorders need special care in reshaping them so that they take interest in the different activities associated with their lives. They have the drawbacks of not hearing the instructions of their parents or teachers partly due to a lack of common sense. They need special attention all the time - be it at home or school. It is not that they cannot be improved. We have to analyse the needs of the individuals and with our patient hearing, we would be in a position to resolve many personal issues with which they are suffering continuously. A little attention from the teacher would work wonders in the improvement of their performance and behaviour. Their well-wishers should not use any harsh words impeding their improvement. They need the sympathetic attention of their teachers and relatives to come out of the behavioural disorders.
We can observe tremendous progress in their different activities with our humane approach and we can make them sensible and intelligent with our proper handling.

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