How to apply online for Calcutta University M.Com. PG course admissions 2020

Calcutta University has announced the admission notice 2020 for the postgraduate course of M.Com. Interested candidates will be able to know the required educational qualification, course fee, numbers of seats, application procedures etc. to take admission to Master of Commerce under CU through this article.

Various admission notifications have been published by the Calcutta University for the course of M.Tech, M.Sc/MA/B.Tech courses, MA/Int BLib-I Sc MLib-I Sc and M.Com. in its own department or various CU affiliated undergraduate colleges other than autonomous colleges. In this article we will focus on the admission notification 2020 for the course of Master of Commerce.

Courses offered & numbers of seats

Following courses are being offered by the Calcutta University. Point to be noted that out of 9 courses as given below, 1 & 2 are offered directly under the university department, whereas 3 to 9 are offered by various CU affiliated UG colleges.
  1. Commerce, CU (Day) : Nos. Of seats – 419
  2. Commerce, CU (Evening) : Nos. Of seats – 419
  3. Commerce in Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration : Nos. of seats – 65
  4. Commerce in Fakir Chand College : Nos. of seats – 50
  5. Commerce in Bijay Krishna Girls' College : Nos. of seats – 30
  6. Commerce in Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya : Nos. of seats – 120
  7. Commerce in Netaji Nagar Day College : Nos. of seat – 75
  8. Commerce in Shibpur Dinobandhu Institution (College), Howrah : Nos. of seats – 60
  9. Commerce in Prafulla Chandra College : Nos. of seats – 50

Seat reservation

80% of above mentioned seats in each course will be reserved only for the students of current year and immediately preceding year under Calcutta University. The candidates having required Bachelor degree as required for admission in relevant postgraduate courses from other than Calcutta University are welcome to apply for the rest 20% of the total seats in each course.

Eligibility criteria

Candidates must have a 3-year B.Com honors degree or its equivalent graduation degree from the University of Calcutta or its autonomous colleges or any other equivalent university. A Degree received earlier than 2019 will not be accepted for this admission. Candidates who have appeared for their final year/semester exam but yet to receive results may also apply for the admission to M.Sc. course but they must submit their mark sheets before finalization of the merit list.

Course fees

Admission and identity card fees are Rs. 100/- and Rs. 50/- respectively. A monthly tuition fee is Rs. 100/- for Indian nationals whereas it's US $500 per semester for foreign students. Games fee, union fee, magazine fee, student aid fund, student health fee, library fee are Rs. 10 each for first four, Rs. 4/- and Rs. 200/- respectively per year. Laboratory fee if applicable is Rs. 60/- per month.

Candidates have to pay 6 months' tuition and laboratory fee and 2 years library fee along with other fees at the time of admissions.

Admissions venue

Admissions to various PG courses in the university department will be held in the respective offices of the Faculty Secretary of different campuses under CU. However, admission to the postgraduate courses offered by undergraduate colleges will be taking place in the office of the Principal of the respective colleges.

Steps of online applicaton

  1. Go to
  2. Click on 'Admission for MCOM-2020
  3. The page having url will be opened.
  4. "Click here to Register/Login" link should be clicked.
  5. In the next page log in with application no. / mobile no and password if you are a registered candidates. But register yourself clicking on the blue marked link stating "New Applicant? Create a New Account" if If you are a new candidate.
  6. Fill up the form and click on "Apply".
  7. A mail will be sent to your registered e-mail containg your user name / application number, password and OTP.
  8. Log in now with correct credentials as received through your e-mail.
  9. Put the OTP received vide your e-mail for the first time log in only.
  10. The main application form will be opened on the screen. Fill up the form carefully and submit.

Valuable points to note

To start your online registration of application for admision to CU M.Com 2020, you must check below points:
  • Go through all informations furnished at thoroughly.
  • Candidates should freeze the numbers of courses and preference of the courses in their mind which they are going to apply for.
  • A valid e-mail id and contact number must be available
  • Photocopies all relevant marksheets should be kept available
  • Soft copy of scanned passport size photo with 35 mm x 35 mm size along with signature in jpg/jepg format should be stored in pendrive/ CD etc.
  • Eligible criterial should be fulfilled
  • Check all date filled up in applicatiion form before submission of online application
  • No application fee to be deposited before online submission of application

Dates to remember

  • Submission of online application has been started on 02.11.2020
  • Online portal for submission of online application will remain active till 10.11.2020
  • The date to publish merit list will be informed shortly


Contact with the office of Secretary UCAC in any campus if required. Mail your query/ problem at between 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except tiffin hour without any hesitation. Communication should be addressed to The Secretary, Faculty Councils for PG Studies in Arts & Commerce, University of Calcutta, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata - 700 073, West Bengal, India.
Telephone: - (033) 2241-0071 / 4984

Office of Secretary at Alipore Campus
1, Reformatory Street, Kolkata – 700 027
Phone: (033) – 2479-1645 / 2861 / 2439-8451

Office of Secretary at the Department of Economics
56A, Barrackpore Trank Road, Kolkata – 700 050
Phone: 033 –2557 – 5082 / 2528 - 4066

Article by Chaitali Ray Chaudhuri (Datta)
Chaitali is a freelance writer from India, likes to share knowledge/information through her various articles to continue her writing passion and an editor of the most successful educational portal, shortly ISC.

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