How to apply for Govt. of India PG Diploma in Coffee Quality Management admissions

Are you looking for a course to boost your career as a coffee taster? This article provides complete information about a unique Post Graduate Diploma in Coffee Quality Management (PGDCQM) course offered by the Coffee Board of India. Information about the course modules, fee, eligibility criteria and how to apply has been provided in this article.

The Coffee Board of India, which is under the aegis of the Central Govt.'s Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has announced admissions open to the Post Graduate Diploma in Coffee Quality Management (PGDCQM) course for the academic session 2020-21.

PG Diploma in Coffee Quality Management Course Admissions Notification
[Image source: print advt. in TOI, 11th November 2020]

PGDCQM Course Features

The Post Graduate Diploma in Coffee Quality Management (PGDCQM) program aims to provide a niche group of skilled professionals to evaluate coffee products and gain expertise in tasting coffee. The course is such that at the end of it you become proficient in a diverse range of skills that not only helps you to know how coffee beans are cultivated, roasted and brewed, but also how to check for quality and effectively market coffee products. Development of soft skills is also part of the intensive curriculum.

The first part of the course will be conducted at the reputed Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI) which is located about 8kms. from Balehonnur in Chikmagalur District of Karnataka, where free accommodation will be provided to all selected students. The second and third trimesters will be at the Coffee Board's research center in Bangalore city, where you have to arrange for your own accommodation.

PGDCQM Course Fee: The total fee for the entire 12 months of the PGDCQM course is Rs. 2,50,000/-.

PG Diploma in Coffee Quality Management course curriculum

You will be completing the first trimester of the PGDCQM course at Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI) in Chikmagalur District, Karnataka.

Cup of Coffee
[Image taken by the author.]

During this trimester, you will learn-
  1. Coffee varieties and Cup profile
  2. Coffee agronomy – how coffee is grown
  3. Coffee chemistry
  4. Coffee pests and disease
  5. Coffee processing and quality

You will then study for the second trimester of the course at Bengaluru, during which you will learn-
  1. Principles of Coffee Quality
  2. Coffee Chemistry and Roasting Technology
  3. Quality Assurance System
  4. Soft Skills and Computer Applications for Quality Management

There will also be three practical sessions in the second semester related to the first three of the above theoretical aspects.

The third and final trimester will also be held at Bengaluru and will conclude with a Dissertation. The learning modules in this semester are-
  1. Coffee Marketing and trade.
  2. Coffee Chemistry and Brewing Technology.
  3. Quality management system and Distribution Management.

You will be doing practicals during this trimester on Espresso and Value-added coffees, and Intensive Cupping.

Who can apply for PGDCQM course

To apply for admission to the course you should not be 30 years of age. However, this maximum age criteria will be relaxed by five years if you are a sponsored candidate from the coffee industry.

Academic qualification: You should have a qualified Bachelor's degree with at least one of these subjects:

Other than the above, a Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Sciences will also be accepted as eligibility for admission to the course.

Admission for foreign students: A foreign student, including one who is a sponsored candidate, must have excellent English skills and admission to the course will be given only on getting clearance from the Government of India.

PG Diploma in Coffee Quality Management application procedure

The home page of the official website of the Coffee Board of India has the PGDCQM application form and admission notification. You can purchase the application form personally as well, from the Coffee Board, Bangalore (address is mentioned at the end of this article).

Fill up the application form with a recent passport size photo with your signature pasted in the space for it and attach attested copies of all relevant certificates. This is to be sent by Registered Post or Speed Post along with a NEFT/RTGS transfer (details are in the application form) for Rs.1,500/- to:
Divisional Head (Coffee Quality),
Coffee Quality Division,
3rd floor, Coffee Board,
No.1, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Veedhi,
Bangalore - 560 001

Selection process

Candidates who fulfill all the eligibility requirements will be interviewed by a selection committee. Members of the committee will evaluate and academic records, conduct a personal interview and give a sensory evaluation test.

Important dates

Last day to submit applications: 11th December 2020.
Date of Interview and selection process: 21st December 2020.

Contact information

Coffee Board
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
No. 1, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Veedhi,
Bangalore - 560 001,
Ph: +91-80-22262868, +91-80-22266991, Ext. 323/310.
For further queries on the course Email:

Article by Vandana
Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! Having learned the art of blogging from ISC, Vandana is enjoying the thrills of blogging, taking pleasure in sharing information & getting good pageviews at her various blogs.

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Author: Umesh20 Nov 2020 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 3

I think that in today's times when job situation is so grim, professional courses like coffee taster make a great sense and eligible candidates should give a thought to this career option. After tea, coffee is the next great drink in the Indian peninsula and its consumption is going to
increase in near future. Raw coffee comes in various tastes and flavours and its cost also varies accordingly. As per the data available the consumption of coffee is growing at a rate of good 5% per year. We in India consume about 120000 tons of coffee per annum. This data shows that coffee trading and business is a prospective one and if it is so, then I would say that working in coffee industry will also be a viable proposition. Hence the eligible candidates can think about it. It is a good opportunity.

Guest Author: Devi Nandana V S27 Oct 2021

Do they provide placement after the course?

Author: Vandana13 Nov 2021 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 2

Devi Nandana V S,

The prospectus does not mention the facility for placements. It is suggested to get in touch with the officials via email at and make the necessary inquiries. Admissions are now open for the 2021 batch. and applications are required to be submitted by 11th December.

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