How to win a laptop with HT Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship for school students

Are you searching for information on the Hindustan Times Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship for school students in India? This article provides complete information on the Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship for students of Class 5 to 12. Details of the prize, eligibility criteria, the theme of the entries to submit for the scholarship, and the registration procedure have been provided.

The Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship, an initiative by Hindustan Times, aims to find out the opinions of children about online learning through written or audio-visual format. Online applications are now open for the scholarship till 28th April. There is no entry fee. The scholarship is a non-monetary technology one, that is, the students who are selected for the scholarship will receive Lenovo devices. The entry must be submitted online only, wherein the parents have to register their child to participate and then upload the entry. Only one entry per student will be allowed.

Hindustan Times Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship
[Image source: Hindustan Times, 16th March 2021]

The prize: 100 winners will be rewarded with a Lenovo laptop/Chromebook/Tablet, totally worth Rs. 25 lakhs.

Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship Eligibility requirements

You must be a student of Indian nationality who is residing in India and is studying in a standard from Class 5 to Class 12. Students studying in Standards below the fifth standard and those studying above the 12th standard are not eligible to apply for the scholarship. You will be competing with peers from the same class.

Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship Scholarship theme

The entry should portray the current online education system, with the student sharing the issues faced, challenges and ideas, and innovative solutions. The members of the jury panel will select entries for the next round (interviews) based on several parameters, including creativity and originality, constructive recommendation, and plausibility entry. Academic aspects will also be considered during the interview round.

Entry format

You do not need to submit a written entry, but can also submit an audio or visual or both combined, as follows-
  • A written essay that is up to a maximum of 300 words
  • or
  • An Audio file that should not be over 2 minutes duration
  • or
  • An Audio-Video file that should not be over 2 minutes duration
  • or
  • A PowerPoint (PPT) presentation that is not more than four slides

Note that you can submit only one entry in any one of the above formats. More than one entry will be disqualified.

How to apply for Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship

Parents have to first register at Lenovo SmartEd Scholarship application website and create a log-in ID and then fill in the details of the child in the online enrollment form along with the previous year's academic record. Then the entry should be uploaded by selecting any one of the mentioned formats, namely an essay, audio, video or PowerPoint presentation, as applicable.

Last date to register: 28th April 2021.

What happens after enrolment

In the first round of the selection process for the Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship, entries of 200 students will be shortlisted. These students will then be interviewed by HT editors in the second round to gauge their aptitude and general skills. From them, the panel will select the final 100 students who are winners of the scholarship. A minimum of 12 students from each standard will be selected as the final winners.

How to claim the scholarship on winning

Winners will be announced online at and at, as well as in print, in the Hindustan Times newspaper and the Mint newspaper.

As a winner of the Lenovo SmarterEd Scholarship, you need to claim your Lenovo device by submitting the required valid documents for Photo and ID proof within 60 days from the date of announcement of the winners. The documents are-
  1. Two passport size photos of the student
  2. Proof of address
  3. PAN Card of the parent/guardian
  4. A signed copy of the terms and conditions of the parent/guardian
  5. Name of the parents and proof of their relationship with the student as ID proof (the student's school ID card where parents details are mentioned will be preferred)
  6. Any other ID or other proof that may be required to be submitted later

In case a winner does not claim the scholarship prize or fails to submit the relevant documents to claim the scholarship within 45 days from the date of availability of the student's details, then the winner may forfeit the scholarship as per the decision of Hindustan Times. Also, all taxes and other levies, if applicable, have to be borne by the winners.

Contact information

For queries related to the Lenovo SmartEd Scholarship, you can send email communication to or call on 9320287787 / 9967876688.

Article by Vandana
Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! Having learned the art of blogging from ISC, Vandana is enjoying the thrills of blogging, taking pleasure in sharing information & getting good pageviews at her various blogs.

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Author: Umesh20 Mar 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 5

This seems to be a very good opportunity for the students to showcase their knowledge and learnings in presenting the ideas on the assigned theme in a creative way. The prizes are also lucrative and the students who have an inclination for presentations, essay writing etc should definitely avail of this opportunity.

One thing that I want to advise to the students planning to participate in this competition is that one must go through the published material related to this topic elsewhere and try to find out as to what are the salient points and issues that are to be considered in this area of online education. If required, one can discuss the matter with one's teacher or some qualified elder in one's house. One must be precise in preparing the write up as well as presentation and it is to be seen that repetition of points and statements should not be there.

Those who are called for the interview should note that whatever they had mentioned in their write up and presentation is to be further complemented by them in the interview and any question related to that is to be answered with the same frequency that is maintained in the write up. That is a very important aspect and one should go to attend the interview with that frame of mind.

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