5 reasons why it is tough for most of us to crack an exam

It demands five things from you to crack any exam. If you overcome these then certainly cracking the exam becomes very easy. These reasons are the fundamental reasons and without solving them it is impossible to achieve success. Let us learn the five ultimate reasons and their solutions from this article.

I apologize if you expected that in this article you will find some miraculous new techniques, unique methods, or tips on consuming this particular food, or any special brain exercise to crack the exam. You won't get it all.

Then what is hidden in this post? What is so extraordinary about this article? Yes, the special thing in this is that a mirror is hidden in this post! A mirror with many layers of dust that has to be removed so that you can find your true self. If you look at this mirror carefully. I mean by reading, you will realize that by working on some basics you will be efficient in cracking any exam.

"Life is a mirror and will reflect the thinker what he thinks into it -Ernest Holmes"

So let's infer what are those 5 signs from which we will realize that we are not preparing for the exam appropriately.

1. Lack of interest and fear of exams

Either you are not much interested in the exam or you are afraid of failing the exam? This is the biggest dust in the mirror and it will take you the most time to remove it. Feel free to take as much time as you want to remove it! You have to ask yourself these two questions and the way forward will be shown automatically as a consequence.

  1. Is it necessary for me to take the exam? If yes then why not take an interest in it as it will give me something to learn. Be ready to learn.

  2. Am I afraid of failure? If yes, then don't worry it is completely natural, then first of all you relax and try to understand this fear for a few days. You will be replenished with fresh energy as soon as you realize the real reason. Often our mind is not efficient in doing the right thing due to the feeling of failure. But when we examine the fear of failure, we find that it is just a state of our mind that can be changed.

"Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality." – Bruce Lee

2. Pretending to study in front of others

Most of the time we study less, show more. The foremost reason for this is that we consider it better to gratify others. Instead of pleasing others, if we focus on ourselves first and remain authentic to ourselves, then what we read and learn will benefit us.

So this next layer of dust has to be eliminated from the mirror entirely. The promising path to accomplish self-satisfaction is to be transparent with yourself and speak the truth to yourself.

"I'm not motivated by money or power or fame. In the end, it doesn't bring much happiness. The only thing that is driving me is self-satisfaction, self-validation. - William Clay Ford, Jr."

3. Procrastination or postponing exam preparation because you think you have plenty of time

It is a well-known fact that when we feel happy time flies and when we lack interest we guess that time proceeds slowly. If you notice carefully, this illusion is the result of the lack of interest that we talked about above. It is therefore critical to devote time to analyzing the initial point with utmost care.

There are currently a lot of tutorials and courses that are available online for free as well. So the chances of getting stuck at any point are low. Still, it's perfectly fine to leave some lessons to do later but don't put off forever.

"The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that's the day you start to the top.- O. J. Simpson"

4. You never bothered to know the actual syllabus of the exam

"Hey, what is the syllabus of this exam?" You must have asked this question multiple times to your friends. You may never have given much significance to the syllabus, which means, you have a limited idea of the syllabus.

So take the trouble of clearing this dust and first of all memorize the syllabus orally. Unless you have complete knowledge about it, you will never know where to start and where to end. You will be running forward and sometimes backward on the exam track, leaving it only a maze.

"It's best to have your tools with you. If you don't, you're apt to find something you didn't expect and get discouraged. - Stephen King"

5. Strategizing for exam Isn't your cup of tea

Usually, strategy is the first step of any work, but here it is the last step because it is very important to completely clean the first four layers of dust from your mirror to reach the strategy. Thereby you will never reach the idea of creating a real method.

Now that your mind is completely clear then it will be easy to strategize. You can make 2 to 3 procedures, not just one. Sometimes you may have to change the strategy accordingly. You can only improve each time you execute your plan.

"Champions keep playing until they get it right. - Billie Jean King"


Author: Umesh17 Jul 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 5

The author has presented some practical points as to why some students do not take exams seriously. Many students are not clear about their objectives and are also not clear about their expected future careers. They go to college because their parents ask them to do so. Until a student feels responsible for his studies and has a clear understanding of the career that he or she wants to attain, there is no use in pretending to acquire the education. Simply getting some good marks is not the purpose of studying, it is the winning strategy that matters and that only differentiates him from others. He should understand that there is no free lunch in this world and he has to compete in the cut-throat competition to reach the high positions in any career line. So, an inspired and enthusiastic student will be able to take that challenge and would study and prepare accordingly. A motivated student will not have a casual and indifferent approach towards studies.

Author: Sheo Shankar Jha18 Jul 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 4

The aspirants should have determined efforts towards their studies. Unless they have the inner motivation to excel well in the examination, success will elude them. The aspirants might have different approaches, pretending to study seriously before their parents would not offer any tangible result. Fearing the examination constantly would dampen their spirits and it is crucial to get rid of such feelings. Their ultimate objective should be to understand the basics of each chapter covered in a subject. The more you go through your textbooks, the more will be the clarity of the contents.

Any examination would not be difficult if they are geared up to remove all sorts of obstacles coming in the way and such an attitude would certainly help in cracking up the tests successfully.

Author: Kamal Kishore18 Jul 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

Umesh and Sheo Shankar Jha sir, thanks for your valuable comments on this article. These are some experiences we all have. Unless we are interested in any exam or any other thing, then success in it becomes negligible. As a result of which we are surrounded by fear. So I think first of all we need to understand this. Otherwise, passing the exam is a distant thing, rather we will waste our time. So it becomes very important for us to prepare ourselves completely before appearing for any exam. Many times we choose a subject or exam just because we can influence others, which in the end will only harm us. If we speak the truth to ourselves and take our steps in the right direction, the results will surely be good.

Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao28 Jul 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 3

A very nice presentation from the author. The points mentioned in the article are really the culprits and they play havoc. Many students especially in high school feel that they are studying for the sake of their parents. So they will never show the concentration they have to show while studying. Another problem is that students try to make the subject by heart. But they never understand the content in the subject. When we try to by heart everything without proper understanding chances of forgetting the subject when we go for the examination is very high.
Another problem is that the student will never be given a free hand to select the subjects of his/her liking. The parents may force the subjects on these students. That will also be a reason for not performing well in the examinations.

Guest Author: PARTHA KANSABANIK29 Sep 2021

The author of this article has cited some reasons why students can't perform excellently in examinations. In this connection, the author has mentioned some genuine reasons behind the failure of some students. All these reasons point out a simple fact and prove that these students are not motivated to excel and as a result, they either don't study or procrastinate or don't bother to know the syllabus or check the previous years' question papers.

Further, I think the author has not mentioned the difference between normal examinations and competitive examinations. Along with a tough competitive spirit and patience, the candidates must be able to hone his/her strategy for examination.

Overall, a good article to make students conscious before the examination.

Author: Swati Sharma29 Sep 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

The author has presented his article in a very systematic manner which is commendable. There is a glimpse of reasoning in the points explained by the author because there are many students who want to clear the exam but do not understand the purpose of the exam. The author has told the truth that when students study to show others, it is not to deceive others but themselves. You cannot pass the exam by just sitting for hours with a book in hand. One must study hard and honestly. Understand the syllabus, understand the demand of the exam and prepare on that basis. Then success will surely be yours.

Author: Dhruv15 Jan 2022 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 8

The author has very well mentioned about certain strategies through which we can improve our chances of cracking an exam. Apart from the five strategies mentioned, there could possibly be a few more that may lead us to success. One among them, though not relevant to schools, where we do not have much options in choosing our subjects or branch, is choosing the subjects of our interest when we join colleges where we have the choice. Most often, students, due to peer or parental pressure, take up a course; say engineering, for which they do not have the right attitude, nor the inclination. Definitely, in such circumstances, the student is not likely to do well neither during the exams nor in his/her profession, if he/she continues in the same stream.

Secondly, every student should have goals, short-term as well long term. The long-term goal or the career goal helps us achieve the short-term ones, the exam related, step-by-step. Setting up of goals is extremely fruitful, when it comes to qualifying a competitive exam. These goals ultimately pull us up, whenever we falter. They act like force or tail winds that help us sail through every tide and storm. With goals, it becomes easy for us to choose our direction (branch of study) and the right speed (course duration, say 3 or 4 year course) to reach our destination (career) successfully.

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