An essay on humanity as a value in life which we desperately need

Are you interested in social works, then here is your dream topic "humanity" which refers to unconditional love and support to all living beings on the earth in the case of their needs. It's what makes us humans, different from other breathing creatures around us. It is a value, only humans can achieve and act on. I've discussed in this essay the current status of humanity, and its importance in our life in society.

Humanity as a value in life

Values are something that is mainly learned from our surroundings. Infants learn values like courage, respect by observation, they observe the grown up around them, see their patterns of behavior and inhabit them. As they grow up, they try to refrain from the pre-trained learning values and create one of their own that they want to follow and stand for. Most of the values are universal, good for all, however, humanity as a value is more like a necessity rather than a quality.
Humanity calls for love, affection, kindness, curiosity, and apathy all together. It is a value every human should feel for fellow humans. It includes emotions that only humans are capable of feeling and understanding. Animals might feel it, however, they are unable to understand and name it, but humans have had the privilege to understand and name this as a value. The very essence of being a human being lies in the ability to understand humanity as a very important value, a value that goes deep into our root of humankind, a kind that appreciates the existence of everyone. A kind who respects and treats others with an emotion close to kindness and empathy.

However, it is disappointing to see that humanity as a value has become rare in our life. Human beings are slowly turning inhumane in utmost haunting ways. There are many actions performed by humans themselves that have turned them into nothing more than mere animals, it has ripped them from their very core, the very essence, that is humanity. Human beings have become greedy for wealth and power and therefore have worked to a great extent to achieve so, to such extremes that include hurting another human being in the worst possible ways. We have started using each other to satisfy our needs, treating anyone who is beyond our understanding with disrespect and hate. Men have started to treat women in the most disgusting ways. Humans treat fellow humans who are not well off with hate and disgust. We often don't have the humanity to treat someone with basic respect if we find them not at par with our standards. We judge people by their appearance and stand in society and let that be how they should be treated, with humanity or not. Everything has become about getting something in return, we've become so selfish that we tend to run away from any opportunity that might force us into helping someone selflessly.

In this cruel world, where we have run away from the mere reason of our existence, we require humanity in its true form, not the restricted form. We have to form ourselves accordingly. The value of humanity is very important for the continued existence of humans. So we have to think about our society for a long prosperous and healthy life.

As I mentioned, humanity is the very core of being human, we need it desperately. It will make us whole again. It's time to realize that it is humanity that we need, not money or power. So the love, affection, connection, and feeling of family and satisfaction that we need to feel like humans. And these feelings will only come with understanding the utmost necessity of humanity. At last, let us make humanity our religion.

Article by Dhruba
Simplicity is the keynotes of originality. Regards Dhruba

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Author: Swati Sharma27 Aug 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

A good and valuable article has been given by the author. Humanity is paramount, no matter what religion, culture, society, country we belong to, but we always belong to a human community, and humanity is primary for us. In the modern world where we are progressing on the one hand, on the other hand, a valuable quality like humanity is being neglected. Technological development does not say that humans should forget their humanity, but some human events of the present show that this is what humans are doing. But still, some great social reformers and great personalities still maintain the image of humanity and doing work for others' benefit, we can hope that while learning from such a great human community, others will also take a pledge to never take humanity away from themselves. Every person should also try personally to protect humanity in himself and in the people around him.

Guest Author: Devi27 Aug 2021

Humanity is a very vital issue in international field now. Afghanistan issue now demanding humanistic aspects of Taliban and yesterday's bomb blast make every one worried. The author has commented 'let us make humanity as religion' really very touching and relevant. If humanity really worked,the whole world will be in peace. Thanks to the author for excellent writing.

Author: K Mohan29 Aug 2021 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 4

The author has tried the level best to bring in the best essay on humanity and it really a vast subject to dealt with. Humanity is a inborn quality and that is not inherited from some one else. We have been taught by the elders from the young age that nothing is more than showing gratitude, compassion, care for others and in fact in those days they would be waiting for a stranger to offer food and would be calling inside the house and give all the hospitality they deserve and thus try to get the blessings which was more valuable and connects to humanity. Humanity also includes sharing of things with others. That when we have some thing which is not used nor lying waste with us, sharing the same with those who want it urgently is also the best example of humanity. And advising those to follow the great path of Humanity is also one of the great trait to which very give credence. Our elders used to say, keep helping others and reach out to others, your children would hugely benefit from them and they would nurtured in the most envied manner.

Author: Reena Upadhya16 Apr 2023 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

Humanity as a value will only come to those who are always aware that they are human beings. There is great depth in the phrase human beings. We have to be humane. All we have to do is to be our authentic selves and not always try to do things on the outside by shifting our focus from our rich inner world.

We are love, happiness, peace, contentment and bliss. We have to unveil our true colors and bring into experience what we originally possess. When we do that, we will radiate humanity into the outer world. Our relationships will improve. Our work ethics will be high.

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