An essay on why punctuality is a core value
Punctuality is one such value that will help you to progress. If you are not punctual possibly you have not realized others that are dependent on your actions. This short essay describes punctuality in detail and ways to remain punctual.
Finishing the task in time is always important. The popular proverb says "Time and tide wait for none" and this proverb is used to emphasize the significance of utilizing time in the right way by not wasting it. The more efficiently you manage time, the more will be the number of tasks you can complete. How to describe punctuality
Generally, punctuality refers to timeliness, i.e. how perfectly one can maintain the time. Now when we are meeting somebody perfectly in time that was agreed upon we are punctual but if it is to complete a task within the specific time another component is added to the punctuality and that is how accurately we complete the task. If the task is not completed in a proper way but somehow finished on time you may consider yourself punctual but the ultimate result of doing the correct thing in time is not fulfilled and hence the punctuality have much less value.
Importance of punctuality
Everybody remains busy with their own work and the intention is to complete the work within the stipulated time. Interestingly, in many cases, our works are interlinked with one another. A simple example may be the arrival time of public transport which some of us use to commute. If it arrives late and you have no other option to avail for going to the office you will be late in the office. If there is a vital meeting with the client, the client will anxiously wait for you for the meeting and when you are late the meeting will start late and the client may have to skip other schedules. For skipping a schedule some others will be inconvenienced and many interlinked tasks will be hampered because of your late arrival in the office. Now, if you reach there on time, for you no task will be hampered. If everyone is punctual things will be done smoothly in the chain of works one is associated with. Why some are not punctual
There are various reasons behind this. One is laziness in which people have less regard for others. It is a tendency of finishing tasks in one's own way without thinking whether others will be affected or not. Another thing is poor time management. One has to complete many tasks in a day and for that, each task should be completed within a specific time. If one spends more time on a specific task sufficient time will not be there for other tasks and the person will be in a hurry to complete the remaining tasks somehow. Another aspect is confusion. When one is confused it becomes difficult to decide when to do and which task to do first. How to be punctual
Maintaining a routine is essential. From the time you wake up till the time you go to bed, you have to find out what are the things you do and allot a specific time to each of the tasks. It is better to maintain a diary and to make a to-do list before starting the tasks. When you are writing it down you have more clarity on it and you can always refer to the diary to find out what are the things you have done and what are left. Set a target and resolve to reach the target in time. Keep it in mind that many remain dependent on our tasks knowingly and unknowingly and if you are late others depending on your tasks will also be late. Conclusion
When you finish a task in the correct way and in time not only do you feel good but you can also allot another slot for a different task. That is always important. We all are progressing and to progress, everyone has to reach one target and set another one after that. This is a continuous process and your punctuality will help you and all your associates to progress in a better way.
Punctuality requires strict discipline and control on our timelines. A punctual person will always be on his toes and will not waste any time in unnecessary indulgences. He knows the value of time as time is the essence of everything. It is not so easy to be punctual for everyone as it requires a lot of control on one's actions and deeds as everything is to be aligned and focused in the direction of doing things at the scheduled time to make place for the incoming jobs. A punctual person will keep a tab on all his jobs their probable schedule and the final plan and the timings of their execution. It requires meticulous planning and beforehand thinking for doing the jobs punctually. Generally, hard-working and laborious people have a good amount of punctuality embedded in their working life while the casual and lazy people consider the punctuality as a weight on their head and keep it at the lowest ebb.