Beating the heights, by virtue of optimism: An essay.

Optimism is one of the major causes of our success. It fills us with confidence to go through the obstacles and to be successful in life. A kite falls many times but it proves and sets an example by rising again, that we can again rise even after failing several times and it is the optimism that led us to work after such difficulties.


"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor", but what fills immense confidence in a sailor to sail upon high tide waves? What makes a child walk for the first time, even he knew that he would fall? Or will he can ever walk if he is filled with the pessimism of falling? It's all about optimism and in the absence of it, we would abstain from doing several tasks that would lead us to success. In a literal sense, optimism refers to, "Having a positive approach or feeling good things will happen." This has far-reaching impacts on our lives.

Nature briefs about optimism

It is usually said that nature is the best teacher. Understanding things with natural examples is very helpful in retaining the concepts. The whole nature is about optimism and beliefs in God and life. Piercing ray of sunlight in the darkest of clouds is optimism that the sun would shower us with its light and energy. Similarly, if a farmer looking at the sweaty sun becomes a pessimist and believes that rain would not occur, there will be no crops and no food. Getting oasis in the sandy desert by the thirsty traveller is only because of his optimism about life otherwise he would die of thirst if he became hopeless at the first instance. Optimism generates hopes and when we follow the direction of hope we win the game.

Optimism should be distinguished from overconfidence

A person who is always optimistic led by others is an overconfident person. But both are different things. The optimistic approach only generates hopes of achieving the goal and boosts our confidence. It is up to us how we manage this confidence. If we cannot manage it and start feeling that only we can do the given task, then our confidence turns into overconfidence and our falling stage starts. It's usually said that excess of everything is bad; the same is with optimism. Only feeling that everything would be better without working is our fault and our optimism can't do anything with it. There is no substitute for hard work. We can be optimistic about better results but only after doing hard work. Linking optimism with the game of luck would be destructive. A proper working strategy needs to be developed with this optimistic approach because it is a mental perception that needs proper execution with the help of our hard work and strategies.


A kite falls many times but it again rises to touch the sky, so why we are hopeless? What's the cause of our deterrence? It's all due to the lack of optimism. We always focus on the darker side of the coin which is the result of our pessimistic nature. It's all result of our upbringing. We were also told to think in a limited space. If we start thinking high then only we can beat the heights. There is much more beyond the high skies and deepest seas, all need to be explored and optimism can fill us with immense confidence to explore all that. Always think that this journey would be much pleasurable.


Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao26 Aug 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 2

One should be optimistic in his life. In our life, we may be facing many issues and we should approach them with a positive attitude. We should start facing the issues with a mindset that we will be successful. If we start with pessimistic thinking we may not be able to reach the goals on time and in the desired way. Life is not beautiful when there are no ups and downs. We should be able to face them with hope and wish that we will reach the other end successfully. Optimism is a kind of motivator. One should have faith in his own abilities. Then only he can be optimistic. A ship is made to travel in the ocean. If we think that travelling in the ocean is not safe, there is no point in making a ship. We should assess the condition properly and start our journey. Every person will be optimistic when things are going on smoothly. But we should be optimistic even in negative conditions and then only we will be successful.

Author: Swati Sharma30 Aug 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

Optimism brings positivity to life. Some people take the meaning of an optimist wrong; an optimist does not mean that you do not bring the idea of foresight within yourself, being unaware of the problems that come in life. Keeping yourself positive in line with the future is an optimistic approach. Optimistic people are those who are always ready to face any problem in life and find out the causes of events. When we distance ourselves from negative thoughts and move towards the positive, we can get an image of an optimistic personality. The company of optimistic people is also a great boon and should not be lost if such a company is found. It is not that optimists do not have struggles in life, but they also face these struggles with a smile, and hence even these difficult times pass easily.

Author: Dr Deepali Gangwar31 Aug 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 4

People with optimistic nature always get success because they think optimistically. They can pass any difficult and stressful situation easily and work hard to get the work done. On the other hand, people with pessimistic thoughts cannot face stressful situations calmly and complete their work easily. A child when he walks for the first time could walk because he is optimistic and he has the trust in his parents that they would help him if he would fall. Similarly when you start any work you can, because you are optimistic. If you are trying to start any work pessimistically, you cannot succeed. Optimistic behaviour not only makes people mentally strong but also improves their physical health. People who have an optimistic nature maintain a healthy relationship with others because of their healthy behaviour.

Author: K Mohan10 Sep 2021 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 2

Good article appended by the author that our success in life is always guided by optimism. Even though we come across failures and that happens to be a regular feature, but being optimistic is the self-confidence measure to regain the energy to work for success. It is often said that a person would not get into perfection unless and until he was battered with failures from which one learns the fineness of life. And those who have this great trait are never tired or retired because they learn something fruitful on their every try.

Author: Umesh03 Nov 2022 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 3

There is no doubt that optimism is a great attribute and is instrumental in one's progress in life. But having optimism in one's life is not so easy. There are some pre-requisites for attaining optimism in life. Some of them are patience, tolerance, hard working attitude and positive mind. Having just optimism in mind would not help if efforts appropriate to that feeling are not put in.
People who have qualities of dedication and devotion for their work generally have a positive mind and focused approach for achieving their objectives. Such people build a high degree of optimism in them and with that they progress ahead in their lives.

Author: Reena Upadhya14 Mar 2023 Member Level: Gold   Points : 7

Optimism is a driving force for the work to get done. Any kind of negativity i.e., even a single negative thought means disbelief in the self and it will ruin everything. Mind is dualistic. It keeps giving logic. When we decide to carry out a project or accomplish a task, we are 100% sure that we can do it. Immediately our logical mind bombards us with a series of doubtful thoughts. Whether we will succeed at so-and-so tasks? What if we fail miserably? What will others think of us? Will we be wasting our time and resources on it? This is what pessimistic thinking is.

We aim at something and we should be ready from within that the journey towards our goal might not turn out the way we want it to. If the obstacles come, they should be considered as stepping stones and not something to stop us mid-way. The difference between optimistic and pessimistic people is that optimism will not let the mind create fear and worry. Focus is only on the goal. Thus, obstacles do not tire these people. Pessimistic people are scared all the time. Their minds take over their heart. Sometimes they are so scared of falling or losing, they may not start the journey at all. Any obstacle they encounter in the journey scares them deeply and since the focus is not completely on the goal, they may not be able to take hardships and they may end up quitting what they started.

Optimism and overconfidence as described by the author are completely two different aspects. Optimism is positivism. Overconfidence is a negative trait. It comes from the egoistic mind. Optimistic people have their eyes on goals and are ready to face all sorts of difficulties positively. They know they will succeed. However, an overconfident person somewhat feels that he has already bagged the prize and does not have to put in the effort and that is what will make him fail miserably.

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