Why remaining non-judgemental is regarded as an important value - an analytical essay
Being non-judgemental helps one to interact with people in a better way. If you are too judgemental you may find people trying to avoid you. This essay is an analysis of various aspects that will help you to understand why remaining non-judgemental is important.
Many of us are habituated to judge almost everything. Be it a situation or another human being, we like to deduce how the situation or person will be even before starting a formal interaction. This creates a lot of conflict during our interactions and we may not interact with the other person properly if we are too judgemental. On the other hand, if we are non-judgemental our mind remains clear without any idea of the activities or behaviour of the person and we can make a correct decision based on our feedback of the interaction. This helps to understand the person in a better way without being prejudiced. Importance of non-judgemental interaction
If we see somebody coming from a certain place or someone is eating a particular food we may try to conclude that the other person will be having a set of specific habits even if she/he does not have such habits. In some of the cases, we may be correct but not in all. Knowing things beforehand is helpful in alerting us of possible danger but at the same time, we should have a clear idea of what we need to know and what we need not. We need to find out if the person has some habits is it going to affect us in any way or we remain critical just for the sake of it?
Remaining judgemental may help us to guess only certain things but unless the interaction continues a large part remains hidden. Judgemental interactions will not open up the minds of the other person with whom we are interacting and our minds will also remain busy judging the person in various ways while interacting. Being non-judgemental will pave the way for more understanding and attachment with the other person which will always make the conversation interesting.Why people are judgemental
Many are judgemental because even before the interaction starts they attempt to frame a picture of the person in their minds and try to reason them with their set of beliefs. If during the reasoning they find the qualities beneficial they go ahead and if not they start criticizing. In most cases, people try to judge others from their own perspective and never look at a larger perspective. They fail to recognize everyone is unique and have different ways of life and thought process. How to remain non-judgemental
Accept the person like she/he is. It shows you are valuing them as fellow human beings. You have to remember that everyone has the equal right to live and think and more importantly people should feel they also have a say. Clearing the minds of unwanted thoughts and preconceived ideas is the best way to remain non-judgemental. You must have choices and at the same time should respect the choices of others too. If your nature is to interfere in various activities of others you need to stop that. Understanding your limits is a must which will help you to realize that others have limits too and their nature or behaviour can be a product of their limits. Another important thing is listening to the other person carefully. The more you listen attentively the deep you can go inside.Conclusion
In many cases, conflicts occur because people try to become judgemental. If the mind is free from doubts, beliefs and misconceptions the interaction can be intense and ultimately it will help in understanding others in a better way.
Being judgemental is never treated as a good trait. Without understanding the issue properly or not viewing the issue from the same angle the other person sees, if we start getting some idea about the other person, that is not correct. When we know a person is a son of so and so person, then we start thinking that that person will be similar to his father and will also have the same habits as his father. But this may not be correct. Talking to a person or analysing him with preconceived ideas is never advisable. We should take every issue as a specific case and we should go by the merits and demerits of the person. Then only we can have a correct idea about the other person. Many times we will be proved wrong if we are judgemental.