A brief essay on how to develop moral values of respect in children

Respect is a moral value that is the basis of a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life. It is a two-way process that means a person can get respect when he respects others. The present essay gives a brief on the types of respect, its benefits, and ways of development of respect.


Respect is one of the core moral values. A person who respects others is self-disciplined, obedient and shows honour for others. He/she cares for others. People who have creditable track records in the societies are most respected.

What is Respect?

Respect means giving value to someone or something. When we respect someone, we show great admiration and love to him/her. However, the meaning of respect can be different for different people.

  1. Self-respect
    Self-respect is the respect that we give to ourselves. Self-respect depends on how you treat yourself and how you allow others to treat you. Self-respect provides a base for all the decisions made by us. Self-respect is very important because a person with self-respect has confidence and behaves with grace, honour, and dignity. If you do not have self-respect, then nobody will respect you. All the decisions will be made without your consent, and you will have to run along with them. Also, you will have to do what is against your nature.

  2. Respect for Individual and Society
    Respect for others is when you care, love, and respect others. Respectable behaviour for others also shows that you accept others as they are. When you respect an individual, this portrays your thinking that respects all individuals equally. Children respect their parents and elders; Students respect their teachers. So all young people must always be taught and encouraged to respect their elders in society. They are also imparted to accept the codes of conduct of society.

  3. Respect for the Vulnerable
    Respect for all is the symbol of a well-educated society. It also shows the maturity level of a society where all the people, including vulnerable populations, are respected equally. The vulnerable population includes children, senior citizens, physically and mentally challenged populations.

  4. Respect for Nature
    Respect for nature includes respect towards the things or property that are in our surroundings. People must respect their environment by using environmental resources carefully so that the resources would last longer and remain adequate to meet the need of the whole community.

Importance of Respect

Respect should be given to all. Most parents teach their children only about respect for elders, and they do not teach them that respect must be given to all, regardless of age or social status. But children must be taught respect as an essential moral value from a young age so that they can learn how to behave with others.

Benefits of Developing Respect

Developing respect helps people by making healthy relationships with each other in their daily life, reducing stress among people by resolving conflicts, creating a fair environment, increase satisfaction, sharing problems and getting their solution, ensuring progress in the right direction, etc.

How to develop moral values of respect?

When children do something wrong or show weird behaviour. Parents should not scold them or should not stop them immediately. Rather, they must ask them that 'How would you feel if someone did that to you?' And also tell them that think yourself in by keeping in place of others. This will give a chance to think them whether they did wrong or right. This will also develop a feeling of respect for them. Also, respect them then only they will learn to respect you. Respect can be shown by simple gestures as well. Some courteous utterances such as "Thank you", "Welcome" and "Sorry" are also used to show respect towards each other.


Respect is one of the moral values which shows civilized human behaviour. A popular quote by R.G. Risch is "Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you will have to get to give it." If you will respect others, others will also respect you. Therefore, everybody in the society must have respectable behaviour with all so that a strong and healthy society will get flourished.


Author: Umesh22 Aug 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 5

I strongly feel that it is the prime duty of the parents to make their children understand the value of respect and inculcate in them this great virtue. The indifferent and disrespectful children are an awful sight. We do not like them on the first meeting itself. Some parents ignore teaching the children good manners and showing respect to others but then they only repent it later in life when the children even do not respect their parents. One thing which is of paramount importance in this matter is that children generally mimic the ways of their parents in most of the matters and showing respect to others is one of them. It is generally seen that where the parents respect and care for their elders, the children also pick up the same traits.

Another factor that is also important is the society where one dwells. Children learn a great deal from the outside world also and if they are living in an atmosphere where fighting and abusive language is heard across the house walls then they will definitely get that in their upbringing in one way or other.

Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao29 Aug 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 4

If we give respect others also will respect us. When a person is in a powerful position automatically people start respecting him/ her even though the other person is not respecting them. But the moment that person is out of that position, people will never care for such persons and ignore. But a person who is in power gives respect to others ,people will respect him for ever.
I have seen some rich people who talks very badly with other people. This is nothing but disrespecting the other person. A person should always remember that today's position is not permanent. Tomorrow the position may change and you may require some help from others. In such condition nobody will come to your rescue.
By respecting others you are gaining respect from others. The elders should see and train their kids so that they will understand the importance of this trait.

Author: Swati Sharma30 Aug 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

Respect is such a quality that a person gives to others, something then he himself also deserves. In the present time when most of the families are single, it becomes the first duty of the parents to give good values to the children because in a joint family the child learns a lot of values by looking at others but in a small family of three or four persons the responsibility becomes greater. Parents themselves should be such an example in front of the children so that the children adopt good values. Respecting elders also youngers are the basic learning that we must adapt and teach others too, not only for their own people but also for others for an unknown person. As we all want self-respect so we always remember that giving respect and your good deeds or behavior are the factors that will help you to maintain your self-respect in your own view.

Author: Sheo Shankar Jha03 Sep 2021 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 5

The author has represented the topic nicely, stressing the fact there are certain sensible parameters such as offering due respect to the people living in our vicinity. or otherwise. should be our prime objectives. Regardless of the age and gender factors, we must appreciate the positive qualities of the persons concerned and they should get their due share of respect. A careful selection of words to please them is the finest way to show our respect. It costs nothing but at the same time, it strengthens our bond. We should not remain under the impression that any respect shown to people younger than us would is not desirable because of the existence of the age difference. In fact, this is rather our wrong conception. While doing so, we must maintain our own dignity and status in society. Our behaviour should be reciprocal meaning thereby that it is a give and take policy. The more we offer respect to the people, the more we are to get back from others.

Author: K Mohan24 Sep 2021 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 3

Bringing a overall change in the children is possible only if the moral values are taught to them at the tiny age and that would expand to future living with much more principles and actions in life. The self respect trait which give the lesson to the child is the foremost importance because the person should live with more self respect so that others would not demean the life for no reason. By self respect we mean more confidence and more positivity of approach. Every child is taught to give the elders the respect and in fact every Individual of the society must be given with due respect so that the popular saying give respect and take respect goes hand in hand. And the other trait we may inculcate among the child is the reaching out to other at the time of need. There is more happiness we can derive by helping others and every child should be introduced to this reach out. Children should also be taught with how the nature is important to us and how we should respect the nature and behave in every season. If the child nurtures the nature, the nature would take care of the child if he gets into the age.

Author: Dr. Sanchita Ranjan29 Sep 2021 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

Respect is one of the important moral values for strong bonding in any relationship. It is indeed a two-way process. If you want to get it then you will have to give it. Our society can progress only when we pay respect to all. This value should be developed among children since childhood. We should show respect for human beings as well as nature also. Nature is our original asset. It should be cared for with great attention. Nowadays, people are getting careless towards nature. If we respect nature today then nature will respect us tomorrow.

Author: Reena Upadhya03 Apr 2023 Member Level: Gold   Points : 8

Respect and judgment never go hand in hand. If you are judging someone whether you say it out loud or don't, it means that you are disrespecting him. We do it all the time. We may be listening to someone talk, but at the same time may be making so many assumptions and passing so many judgmental thoughts about him at the back of our minds. We are disrespecting him at that time. Respect is stability. When we are stable from within, we are respecting ourselves. No matter what others think, speak or act towards us, we are in complete control of our stability. No one can shake us from within. Others can turn our whole world upside down but do not have the power to bring instability within us. When we are in our full power, we are in control and this control itself is respect.

Understanding that everyone's perception is different brings a lot of clarity. Our opinions may or may not match with others. Even after that, we can co-exist smoothly. This is what respect is all about. There is no question of conflict. There should not be any turbulence created within or in the outside world because of our differences.

Self-respect is how we see ourselves. It is not how others see us. Someone speaking in a harsh tone and uttering harsh words to us is not going to bring any disrespect to us. It is their personality that they are displaying. It is who they are and it has nothing to do with us. In short, it is not personal. Their thoughts, words or actions towards us cannot change what we think about ourselves. If we are reacting to their perception, it means we doubt our opinion despite knowing that their opinion is different from ours. In such cases, we are not valuing our self-respect.

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